Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Now that Jackson is rolling over, and getting a hand/arm out at least once a night, I'm trying to stop swaddling. Last night was the first night. I swaddled him with one arm out and he cried for a few minutes then rubbed his eyes and moved his hand around for a few minutes and then fell asleep. He loves his blankets and I usually put one over him and one side of it up next to his face, well with his arm out I don't want a blanket in there with him so I put a "lovie" in there, one of those smaller blankets. He's so cute with his little hand out!

At around 11:30pm he woke up crying. I went and put his bink in 2 times before I gave up. He cried, fussed, and moved around and finally at 1am I decided to go in and unswaddle the other arm. I figured if he was going to fuss and cry I might as well just do both arms at once instead of get him used to 1 arm out and then have to go through this again to get the other arm unswaddled. He cried, fussed, and moved around until 3 am before finally falling asleep. Then he woke up again at 5 am, I brought him into bed with me, fed him and then we slept until 10 am. Tonight I put him to bed with both arms out and he moved around, fussed, and cried for about 30 mins before falling asleep. We'll see how the rest of the night goes.

His naps have been horrible lately. He's been refusing to nap and when he does he only sleeps for like 20 minutes. So to try to get him back to sleeping thru the night and taking naps I'm starting the moms on call schedule. Hoping it helps him get on a napping and sleeping schedule!

It's now night 3 and it's been rough. He has woken up and cried multiple times each night and while the day schedule has been easier then the nights, he's still getting used to it. Well it's now 3 am (I'm pumping) and he hasn't woken up yet tonight! I'm guessing he will at some point in these early morning hours, but I've been following the advice in the book and not going back into his room at night (except when he got himself scrunched into the corner of his crib the other night). So it is getting better! I just can't wait until he sleeps from 7:30 to 6:30-7 am! He's been taking his morning nap really well but were still working on the afternoon nap. The afternoon nap should be 1 1/2-2 hours long and after taking short catnaps for so long I think it's been hard for him to get used to taking such a long nap. The first day he slept 45 minutes then woke up. I let him fuss in his crib until it had been 1 1/2 hours. Day 2 he slept for about an hour then I went in and picked him up and rocked him back to sleep and let him sleep 30 minutes in my arms. Yesterday he slept 1 hour 15 minutes and I did the same thing as the previous day-rocked him and let him sleep but for a total of 2 hours. I'm mainly trying to get him used to sleeping a longer stretch of time at that time of day. Hopefully he'll continue to sleep longer each day on his own until he sleeps the whole time!

He's also started sucking his thumb more now that he's not swaddled. He's currently sucking it right now! So cute!
Such a cute sleeping baby:

Sucking his thumb:

And rocking him during nap time:

I have to admit I've loved these rocking sleeping baby snuggle times!

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