Tuesday, February 4, 2014

We're in trouble now

We've been working on getting Jackson to roll over. He's done it a few times by accident and didn't realize what he did. Well today I put him down for a nap on his tummy in his crib and I was making baby food in the kitchen. He wasn't going to sleep but I knew he was way over tired and hoped he'd fuss himself to sleep. The video on the monitor times out and goes dark after a little while to save the battery and I periodically pushed the screen button to see what he was doing. Well he started doing more talking then fussing and I looked and he was on his back playing with his blanket! That little stinker! So I went in there and he gave me the biggest smile when I went in there, he was so proud of himself. He refused to nap today. From 10:30 am until he went to bed at 7:30 he took 2 20 minute naps. Hopefully he sleeps well tonight! We played on his bedroom floor and he rolled over a few more times.

Today we met Amanda and Chloe at Zupas for lunch. It was really fun to get together for a lunch play date with her! It was the first time I've gotten together with someone with a baby! I really need to make more friends with little ones here! Hopefully her and I will get together for play dates often! I want to try to get together with Natalie and Boston too! It's great to be a stay at home mom and really feel like a stay at home mom! Having a play date and then coming home and cleaning/doing laundry/making baby food/taking care of baby and making dinner for my hubby! I love my life right now!

Jackson has been in bed for a little over and hour and already got his hand out (he's swaddled), I went in and fixed it and he got it out again. So I left him like that. His little hand is just sticking out and he was sucking on his fingers and rubbing his eyes. He fell back to sleep so I left him like that. We'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll start trying to transition him out of being swaddled?

On a side note I went to the gym this morning! And I plan on going again tomorrow morning! Hoping to go every morning, or at least aim for 5+ mornings a week!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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