Tuesday, February 4, 2014

5 months

Posting a little late but Jackson is 5 months old! Wow, I can't believe I have a 5 month old son!

He's changing so much every day it seems and becoming more like a little boy and less like a little baby. His personality is starting to show thru more and it's so fun.

He's great at grabbing things now. He'll use both hands and pull whatever he's grabbing straight into his mouth. He also loves to grab our faces. And the cats and dogs! If I'm eating or drinking something he tries (and usually succeeds) at grabbing that too. When I'm drinking water out of a water bottle or cup and he shows interest I let him try to drink out of it.

He loves to be part of the action and up right. Sitting or standing, with help of course, and likes all attention on him.

We make funny noises at him and he laughs. It's so adorable. And he just started trying to squeal, but it isn't too loud because he's hours from his cold. He makes the funniest noises and his newest thing is to talk, more like moan, when he's eating. He does it with a bottle and with boob. He also now is starting to do a whiny fake/forced cry when he's mad. And he can turn it on and off so fast.

He's great at rolling onto his side but has still only completely rolled over by accident. We're working on it and he's getting much better at playing on the floor and tummy time. He can really lift himself up when he's on his tummy.

He's doing great with solids and loves apple, pears, yams, prunes, avacado, banana (gerber only- not mashed fresh), and carrots, he's not much of a fan of sweet potato or peas. And peaches were ok. I got green beans and squash to try so we'll see how that goes. He also had strawberry yogurt (gerber) this morning and he liked it ok. I've recently started giving him a little food in the morning as well as what we've been giving him in the evenings.

He's sort of starting to reach/lean towards or away from people when they try to take him. I'm CA Josh's dad sort of reached for him to hold him and he completely turned towards me and grabbed onto me. Sometimes when my mom reaches for him he will lean into me like he doesn't want her and other times he will lean towards her and sort of reach his arms towards her. He'll do the same thing with me. He's also starting to notice and sometimes fuss a little when I leave the room.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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