Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A day in the life

Here's what a typical day looks like for us right now. Jackson is 6 months old.

My alarm clock goes off at 6:30 am. On a bad morning I hit snooze a few times, on a good morning I get up right away or only snooze once. I get up, go to the bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth, fix my hair. Then I get my workout clothes, usually they are in the laundry room, I put on my workout pants and socks and my pumping bra. Then I go downstairs and get my coffee and stuff to pump.

At 7 I get Jackson up. He's so used to the schedule now that he usually wakes up around then, if he wakes up earlier, like he did this morning, he doesn't cry, he just lays in his crib and moves around and sucks his thumb. I change his diaper and bring him into my bed to nurse him. I nurse him on one side at this time and pump the other side. Right now I'm watching the biggest loser on demand, workout motivation! After j eats I try to put on a little makeup, or if I didn't get up early enough I wash my face and all that stuff.

At 8 am we go downstairs and have breakfast. Jackson gets his sippy cup of water and fruit mixed with oatmeal/cereal. I eat breakfast at this time too. I also usually have a second cup of coffee. And I put the milk I pumped away.

After he eats, about 8:20, we go up to his room and I nurse him (more of a snack then a full nursing) in his glider in his room then I put him down for a nap. Then I finish getting ready, hand the monitor screen off to my mom and go to the gym!

At 9:30-10 Jackson wakes up from his nap, usually I'm not back from the gym yet so my mom gets him up and changes his diaper. The play and when I get home I usually have enough time to shower.

At 11am I nurse Jackson. Usually I heat up some soup or grab something for lunch and them head down to my moms to feed him. I feed him and we chat and watch tv. If we're going to go somewhere my mom gets ready to go while I feed him. Then we play.

At 12 pm J gets lunch. If I didn't already eat then I eat my lunch at this time. If we go out we usually skip his lunch. He gets his sippy cup with water and a fruit and a veggie.

At 12:30 J goes down for a nap. I take him up to his room and nurse him a little then put him in his crib. During his nap I clean, do laundry, or occasional sew. He usually sleeps for 2 hours.

At 2:30 I get J up and change him. We snuggle or play a little.

At 3 I nurse him. Then we play se more.

Between 4-5 (usually closer to 4) J eats dinner. I usually make dinner while I feed him his dinner. He gets a fruit and a veggie.

At 5 J takes a little 30 minute catnap. Usually my mom holds him and let's him snooze in her arms while we eat and when he wakes up she brings him up and she eats. During this time we usually play on the living room floor and in his jumper.

At about 6:15-6:20 I warm up his bedtime bottle and then head upstairs for his bath at 6:30. I give him his bath and then lotion and pjs. After his bath, usually around 7, josh feeds him his bottle in our bed. I get his room ready from bed, change his sheets if they need changing, turn on his white noise, get his sleep sack and then I pump. Half way through his bottle josh puts him into his sleep sack. He finishes his bottle and then I take him and put him to bed by 7:30. sometimes we rock for a few minutes, but he seems to go to bed easier if I just lay him right down. He goes to sleep easily most nights, especially now that I put him to sleep on his tummy.

Then I watch tv, read, play on my phone, clean up the kitchen, sew, or whatever I need to do before I pump again, and then go to bed.

This schedule is working great for us, except the going out of the house. He won't nap for very long in his car seat anymore so he usually takes a really short afternoon nap. When this happens he'll usually be a little bit grumpy for the rest of the day, but not to bad. I'm hoping that maybe he'll get used to going out during nap time and start sleeping longer while we're out, but at the same time I don't want to do it too often because I don't want to mess up the schedule were on. It truly us a balancing act. As the weather gets warmer we like to take a walk to get the mail in the afternoon, between he's nursing at 3 and his dinner. As the weather gets warmer hopefully we can make those walks longer! I love that I get to go to the gym in the morning and have his afternoon nap time to get stuff done. I'm still struggling to find time to do craft/sewing stuff, I might just start trying to get an hour in after he goes to bed. I want to see burp cloths so I can try to sell them!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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