Wednesday, February 12, 2014

6 month check

Today we had Jackson's 6 month well baby appointment! He weighs 18 pounds and is 27.1 inches tall! 70th percentile for weight! He's a chunker! Dr said everything looks great, he's growing and developing great! I asked about giving him food that we eat since he's always so interested in what we're eating and he said that's fine. Just do soft foods, small pieces, and no honey. He said dairy is fine but no milk. His next appointment will be at 9 months.

He didn't get shots today. The woman that scheduled out appointment, right after our last appointment, just gave me a day like "ok for his 6 month appointment is February 12 ok?" So I didn't even think anything of it and just scheduled it for then....well he needs to be 6 months. Most of the shots he could have gotten today because it goes by weeks and he was old enough but for the flu shot insurance won't cover it until he's 6 months old. So we decided not to do any shots today and we'll go back in a week and get all the shots then. I'd rather do shots once then today and next week!

And he scooted forward at the doctors office while we where waiting! I was letting him lay on his tummy on the exam table and his toy was in front of him and he got his knee up and got his leg under himself and scooted forward! Josh and I were both like whao!!! Great job buddy!!! It was so cute! We tried to get him to do it again but he didn't.

The dr also said that I can put him to bed on his tummy if I want to. He said that if he sleeps better on his tummy then it's perfectly safe because he can move around and roll onto his back. I mentioned that he's not rolling back to tummy yet and he said that perfectly normal, it's harder to roll that way so it takes longer for them to do it.

Unrelated to the doctors appointment-he sat up for a few seconds on his own! He was sitting next to my leg so that helped him a little:

He's starting to sit for a few second on his own until he gets distracted or excited!

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