Sunday, July 8, 2012

Always moving forward

I always liked the hubs. Way back before we were together I dated one of his friends. I got to know the future hubs (FH) as a friend. I had a think for him from the beginning. I was jealous of the girls he dated. I cared more about what he thought then what my boyfriend thought. That boyfriend and I broke up and I knew FH was going to be moving away, to another state, for work. Fast forward 3-4 years and I went with my mom to her friends house, her friend happened to live right up the street from FH parents house, as we passed their house I thought about him and had the urge to get in touch. We were friends on and even though we hadn't talked in years I wrote him a comment on there. He was back in town, living with his parents. We made plans to hang out and when I told my best friend she said something about him maybe being the one and that he's a nice guy, and I was all "No, it's not like that! We're just friends." I was totally lying. To myself and to her. I was so nervous that night. I was house sitting at my sisters house and I had him and my best friend and her guy over to hang out and go in the spa. He stayed all night. We made out pretty much all night and the next night too. That was the end of June. From there on we spent pretty much every evening together. He was working nights so I would spend a few hours with him before he had to go to work. Mainly watching movies and cuddling on the couch. A month after we started hanging out we made it official. He wanted to tell his friend first, you know the one that was my ex boyfriend. That was August. He was traveling out of state to New Mexico pretty often for work and he had a feeling hey were going to ask him to move there for work. He asked me if they did if I'd be willing to go with him. That was october-ish. In November it happened, they offered him the promotion which involved moving to New Mexico. That was November. He came home for the holidays and when he left to go back to NM after new years I went with him. We knew it was temporary, thank God because I hated NM. He proposed in July and we got married a year later in July. About a month before our wedding I went back to CA to prepare for the wedding and we knew our time in NM was coming to an end and we thought we'd be moving back to CA. So because of that after our wedding I stayed in CA to start looking for a job there. Then the talking started...another promotion, another move, another state. We talked about it, over the phone since we were states away, a lot. We made the choice we thought would be best for our future. For the family we wanted to have. We moved to salt lake city Utah. And it was one of the best decisions we ever made. While I miss my family, I live it here. We moved into a tiny 1 bedroom apartment to save money to buy a house. We bought our house in may of last year. I was so excited. After living in an apartment in NM and then here in UT I was so exited to have our own house! I could paint and decorate and it would be our home! Well that didn't really happen. I couldn't decide on colors or how I wanted to decorate. And just when I did hubs started saying things about moving. "I don't want to put anymore holes on the walls" "I don't think we should paint, neutral colors will sell better" talk of having a better yard. Then my mom, who've we've been trying to get to move here since we moved her, decided she's ready to move here. We want her to live with us. She's my best friend. And she'll be a major help when we have kids. Well as big as this house seemed when we bought it (we thought the finished basement would be plenty of room for her) the house seems to small now. We need something bigger. A house we can grow into and stay in for a long time. We learned a lot after buying our this house. What we love, what we hate, what we need and what we want in a house. Especially once kids are added to the mix. So we are now looking at houses and trying to figure out the whole selling buying thing. We are just in the very beginning stages and have a lot of work and decisions ahead of us. But I'm just looking forward to being settled. Our life together has been an unexpected whirlwind from the beginning and I'm so lolling forward to finding a place we can call home for a very long time. A place I can see us raising our kids in. Not just a place we live until the next place. A home.

Wow. This post was just to say how crazy we are for deciding to move after buying our house only a little over a yet ago and it turned into the story of us!

I also think I've made a decision that I'm not quite ready to admit to yet, but maybe soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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