Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I've completely lost my mind

I think I could not have sex for a whole cycle and still be able to convince myself that somehow I might be pregnant. I think I've lost my mind. Let me explain...
This past cycle was way busy. Me staying up later then my hubby to try to get stuff done before my mom got here to visit us for a week and I'm not going to lie I felt burned out. I wanted to take the pressure off. I was feeling way stressed out, overwhelmed, and sad about it being the one year mark since we stopped preventing and staring trying to have a baby. I was completely turned off. So we didn't even have sex until we went away this past weekend for our 2nd wedding anniversary, which would make that CD 18. And here I am looking at my fertility.friend app counting the days. I usually have a shorter luteal phase. On a 26-27 day cycle I know I've ovulated on cd 16 or 17 before so if my cycle is 28 days like it was last month I "could" have ovulated on CD18 and I "could" have gotten pregnant. Are you freakin kidding me?! This did not happen. I am not pregnant. I should not have any hope for this. But I seriously can't help it. I tell myself this and then I think well it hasn't happened so far, maybe our problem is that we haven't really been having sex past when I think I've ovulated. I know (based on OPK's) that I ovulate around CD16, so I always make sure that we do it pretty much everyday leading up to that for like a week or more, so then cd15 or 16 comes along and we need a break and I think well sperm can live on there for awhile so even if I don't ovulate until tomorrow we should be good. Could I be ovulating later then I think I am? Ahhh I'm so confused. I convince myself that I could be, when I know I'm not going to be. I know AF will show on a week and I'll just be disappointed.

I told hubby that next month we're doing it every other day from the end of my period to the beginning of the next one (which hopefully there won't be!) So well have all our bases covered as far as timing goes!

But seriously I'm losing my mind.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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