Thursday, July 26, 2012

Slightly uncomfortable

So my mom knows we've been trying to get pregnant for awhile. Today she emailed me saying that she had dinner with my cousins wife last night (who I seriously love and while I don't really want her telling people about our issues I'm ok with her talking about it to this person) and she told my mom that when there oldest was 1 they decided to start trying to have another baby, he was unplanned so they thought it would be easy. Well over a year later she still hadn't gotten pregnant so she went to the dr and was told that "lubricant" could prevent it from happening. Soon after they got pregnant with their second boy. Omg. She did start the email with "this might be a little tmi coming from your mother..." My mom and I are very close and she's one of my best friends, but getting an email from her about lube was a little, um, uncomfortable. I'd does make my laugh thinking about it now though!

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