Thursday, July 19, 2012

Good things

A little back story... When we moved here to Utah we decided that I would wait to look for a job. We moved here on September and we wanted to go home to SoCal for Christmas and then we were going on our honeymoon in February so we thought it would be better to wait then to try to get the time off with a new job. The week we got home I started applying places, mainly retail, I wanted a fun and easy job. Nothing stressful after my last job that practically caused a nervous breakdown (not the job alone but mixed with other things). So I thought "where would it be fun to work? Where would I enjoy working?" I decided to apply at a craft type store (similar to michaels or Joanns) that we didn't have at home in CA (although I have to add that we now have stores there). I loved the store and had a lot of fun shopping there. I turned in my application and got a call soon after for an interview. I interviewed and got hired the next day. I was hired as part time/seasonal and was working close to 40 hrs a week. I liked it, but around that time we found out that we were paying twice as much as we'd thought for me to be on hubby's insurance. The cost that we thought was monthly turned out to be bi-weekly. We're talking $800 a month. Wow. And the only way to get me off of his insurance was 1. If I died. 2. If we got divorced. 3. If I had a job that offered insurance and I got insured that way. Seriously?! So I was kinda freaking out : do I start looking for a full time job elsewhere that provides benefits? Do I talk to my manager at my new job? Well it turned out I didn't have to worry about it. I was offered a full time position as a department head. It wasn't perfect but it was good. The department is the biggest and toughest to work in in the store. But I did good. It was a year in may that I've been in that position and it hasn't been horrible but I'm not exactly happy there anymore. The woman I work with is...I don't even know how to describe many people at work have said she's a bitch. She doesn't like our manager (different manager then when I started) so she bad mouths him constantly, she thinks she's special and can just do whatever she wants and will get away with it. She's fake, loud and rude. If we are both working an a cashier needs a price check or customer assistance with something in our department they call me, not her, because they don't like her. I'm tired of working with her. She treats me like her assistant or something. She actually introduced me to her kids as her "helper" once. When the reality is that "our" department is actually 2 separate departments and mine is bigger. Like 1000 items bigger.

I didn't really see opportunity elsewhere in the store so I was recently thinking that maybe it was time to move on. To start looking for a job elsewhere. But the fact that I didn't dislike my job, just my co-worker who I unfortunately have to work closely with, and that I have friends at work, and make pretty good money kept me from actually looking and applying for any other jobs. Then one day my manager called me into his office to talk. He wanted to know of I'd be willing to move to another department. Heck yes I would! Someone was leaving and he had to figure out who to replace her with and it might cause some other moves within the store. There are departments in the store that I think I'd hate working and I hoped and prayed for things to work out so I could be in a department I'd enjoy working in and be able to not have to work with the particular coworker I didn't like anymore. Well he asked to talk to me Tuesday morning and said that he's made his decision... Would I be willing to move to scrapbooking. And also be a part time customer service manager (the person up front, in charge of the cashiers, approve returns, customer service, assist cashiers with any issues). Um, let me think about it...hell yeah!! This is the best scenario I could have imagined or prayed for! The other girl in that department is a friend and we get along great. We won't have any trouble working together. I will be so much happier in this department. And while being up front part time will be somewhat stressful, I really think its something that I'll be good at. it hasn't been announced yet and my manager has asked me to not say anything to anyone about it. This is way hard! I want to tell my friend that I'll be working with her! She knows that the lady she works with know is the managers first choice as a replacement for the person leaving, but she has no idea who might take her place. I can't wait for it to be announced so I can be openly excited about it at work. One thing I've learned from this is that if you have a secret, do not tell me! I am no food at keeping a secret! Well ok, I can keep a secret but it drives me crazy!!! Itching to tell someone! Anyone! And everyone! It's bad!

With all the stress and hurt of TTCing sometimes it's hard to see the things I'm blessed with. We may not be the most religious people, but I have faith, I believe in God and that he has a plan and a part in everything I do. Everything happens for a reason and he is the reason. During the ttcing process this is a hard thing to remember, but thinking about my job and how blessed I am when it comes to that aspect of my life I wanted to acknowledge it. To be thankful. To feel blessed. Even though i haven't yet been blessed with a pregnancy and a child, I am blessed in other aspects of my life, and for that I am thankful.

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