Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It's a BOY!!!

We're having a baby boy! I was not even surprised when the ultrasound tech told us! I'm so excited to have a little boy! And my husband is thrilled! His name will be Jackson and we'll call him Jax for short. We will still spell his name Jackson and not Jaxon or Jaxson because it is a family name (my great grandpas middle name) and we want to keep the spelling the same.

It was only a gender scan so we did not see the dr but the tech was so nice! She did measure him just to see how he was measuring and he measured 5 days ahead! He was curled up face down and had his legs Indian style and he was so stubborn to show is the goods! She jiggles the ultrasound wand and pressed on my stomach with it to try to get him to move around. He would move his arms and head and he flipped to face up, but was still being a brat about letting is see his parts, she was able to get a few good looks, but the pictures she got weren't so great. She keep trying to get us a better view and had me get up and go to the bathroom and move around to see if he would move. I jumped up and down even, and he had moved, but still had his legs covering up his parts! But she said she was sure its a boy and on one of the pics it's pretty obvious. I even drank orange juice before the appointment on hopes that the sugar would make him move around! We got a bunch of ultrasound pics AND a DVD of the ultrasound! In 2 weeks I'll go back and have another ultrasound and she will do all the measurements and look at all the organs and we'll see the doctor after that and he'll go over everything.
Here's my baby boy:

His little hand:

He's SO much bigger and looks so much more like a baby now then he did my last ultrasound! He even opened and closed his mouth, it looked like a yawn! And at one point was covering his face with his arms. It was so neat! I'm so glad I did this extra ultrasound and it was so worth the $30!

After the appointment we went and bought 2 outfits for the little guy:

All I want to do now is shop for my baby boy!!!

And here's my 16 week pic:

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Monday, March 25, 2013

16 Weeks!!!

How far along? 16 weeks! Yay

Total weight gain/loss: down about 20 still. I'm down a pants size!

Maternity clothes? Jeans, but still not because I really need them, they're just more comfortable them my other jeans

Sleep: one night it's ok the next it's horrible.

Best moment this week: being 16 weeks! And we'll be finding out what we're having tomorrow!!!

Movement: not yet. Sometimes I lay really still and concentrate in hopes of feeling something, but nothing yet

Food cravings: cuties-the tiny orange like fruits, I think they might be tangerines? I'm not sure but I love them! I eat 3-4 at a time

Gender: we'll find out tomorrow!!!

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: nothing right now

What I am looking forward to: finding out if we're having a boy or girl tomorrow!

Milestones: being 16 weeks!

I will take and post my 16 week picture tomorrow!!!

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

3 days!

It's crazy that in 3 days we'll find out what we're having (well more like 2 days since its technically tomorrow already-it's 1 am). I can't believe I'm 16 weeks pregnant. I'm not even showing yet and I'm finding out what I'm having?! I can tell I have a bump and that my tummy has changed, but others can't. Most of the time I don't feel pregnant. It's still so surreal, like its a dream and I'm going to wake up and realize I'm not pregnant. But I remind myself of my baby's strong heartbeat that I've heard at every drs appointment, I look at the ultrasound pictures and I remind myself of my symptoms. The symptoms could be attributed to other things but I know they're pregnancy symptoms. I get teary eyed at lame commercials, my sense of smell is ridiculous, my taste in food has changed, I've been getting headaches (which I've heard are common in the second trimester). It's just that I thought by 16 weeks I'd feel and look pregnant, while I know I'm extremely lucky to not have morning sickness, it would be reassuring at least. I can't wait to start feeling the baby move, then I'll have a lot more reassurance. And hopefully finding out if its a boy or a girl will help it feel more real. In a way I'm glad in not really showing yet, hopefully that means I won't get too huge, but it will be nice to look pregnant! I'm hoping that by 20 weeks I "pop" and it becomes obvious that I'm pregnant! I would really like to have a baby bump by the time I go back home to CA in may for a friends wedding and my baby shower.

My weight is holding steady (this week at least) and I'm down about 20 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight. My work pants are baggy and to big and look horrible. I tried on pants at target today and I don't want to buy regular pants that I'll only be able to wear for a short time, I'd rather just buy maternity work pants, but they didn't fit well at all. Maybe if I could find some that just have the elastic panel at the top and not the full panel they will fit better. But it's crazy that I've lost this much weight, its good but crazy. I really want to start working out, at least a few strength exercises to tone up my arms but I just haven't had the energy. That'll be my goal this next week- to work out, maybe 3 days for at least 30 minutes. Even if its just a walk. And to eat healthier. This past week my eating has been pretty horrible. Way too much fast food.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

1 Week!!!

Until we find out if our baby is a boy or a girl!!! I can't believe that in just one week I'll be buying adorable teeny tiny clothes for MY baby! I can't wait! Last night josh told me he knows its a girl. Which is funny because this whole time he's been calling it a boy! He says he just knows its a girl. Everyone at work thinks its a girl, my best friend thinks its a girl, I think it's a girl...so we shall see! I'll admit, I'll be slightly disappointed for a moment if its a boy, i think mainly because I feel like its a girl and it would be more of a shock to find out its a boy, but I will get over that quickly and be happy to have a son! Boy or girl, I just want a happy, healthy baby!

I'm crazy and like to be prepared. I like to make lists. Lists make me feel in control I guess. So I've already started my lists for my hospital bag, Josh's bag, and the baby's bag. I plan on having everything ready and packed (except the last minute items like my makeup and hairbrush) by the time I have 4 weeks left until my due date. I want to make sure I have the carseat in the car and everything ready. My coworker had her baby on Saturday, she's due at the very end of this month, and it was a surprise that she came early. She had a feeling the day before that maybe she should start packing a bag, so she started throwing some stuff in a bag, and she installed the car set base and car seat that day too. Her husband didn't pack a bag until like 5:30 am when she woke him up to let him know her water broke. I definitely don't want that to happen to me. I want to make sure the cameras are packed and that I have what I want in order to be comfortable while I'm in the hospital. I just like to be prepared, I know I have a lot of time left, but planning makes me feel good!

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

15 Weeks!!!

How far along? 15 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: down 19-20 pounds

Maternity clothes? Jeans

Sleep: ok lately

Best moment this week: hearing baby's strong heartbeat at my drs appointment

Movement: not yet, but I can't wait to feel it. Sometimes I sit really still and focus in hopes of feeling something, but nothing yet

Food cravings: not really anything out of the ordinary.

Gender: we'll find out in 9 days!!!

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: nothing right now

What I am looking forward to: finding out if baby is a boy or a girl! And finally being able to buy cute baby outfits for my little guy or girl!

Milestones: being 15 weeks pregnant!

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Friday, March 15, 2013

11 days!

11 days until we find out if we'll be buying blue or pink baby clothes!

I seriously can not wait to find out if we're having a boy or a girl! I'm SO glad I made the appointment for 16 weeks and don't have to wait until 18 weeks. I know it's only 2 weeks difference, but it's a big deal to me! Especially because it still is so surreal. I just don't feel pregnant. And while I do have a little belly, at this point it isn't a distinct baby belly. I know it is, but it just doesn't look like it. I know I'm pregnant, I know there's a little baby (the size of a navel orange this week!) growing in there, moving around, but at the same time it feels like it could be a dream, just something in my imagination. Every so often I have a moment of "holy shit, I'm going to have a baby! I'm really going to be a mommy!" And I rub my belly and thank God for this miracle!

I think that finding out what we're having will maybe make it more real. I still think its a girl, and it might just be wishful thinking because I really want a girl, at first I was convinced its a girl but now I find myself thinking "well it could be a boy". I think I'm thinking that to let myself know that it's ok if it's a boy. And it is. Ideally I want one of each, but I know that I REALLY want a girl. I'd be ok with a girl and a boy, or even 2 girls, but I really just can't see myself with 2 boys. It might be a bad thing to say but I just can't. I know that I will love the baby just as much either way, but I really want a girl. I hope that makes sense?! And I know that I say this now, but if I end up with all boys I know that it will just fine, if that's the way God sees our family. I know that the little spirits are already picked out and waiting to become a part of our family and that God already knows if they will be girls or boys. And maybe if we had 2 boys we could adopt a little girl. Adopting a child is something that's always been in my heart, and if God leads us that way, we will go that way. Wow that sounded really religious, which I'm really not, I just have faith in God and his plan, whatever it may be.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Being sick sucks

The stomach flu has been going around and of course I was (un)lucky enough to get it. I was feeling crappy yesterday morning but I thought I was just tired from not sleeping very well. Well I just felt worse and worse at work. I was dizzy and lightheaded and my stomach hurt so I left work and I had diarrhea and was throwing up yesterday. I couldn't keep anything in. I was finally able to eat a few saltine crackers and crushed ice last night. I was still feeling crappy this morning and I called in sick to work. There was no way I could have made it through a day at work. I was still feeling sick, I think it was mainly because I hadn't eaten anything in almost 24 hours. I still have diarrhea today but not as bad, and I've been able to eat saltines and chicken noodle soup (I mainly just drank the broth). I lost 5 pounds in 2 days. So I've lost 20 pounds since I got pregnant. I'm hoping that now I'll start gaining weight. Just a little at a time and slowly, but I don't think I need to lose anymore.

I had my 14 week OB appointment this afternoon and we got to hear the heartbeat on the Doppler. It was strong and we could hear the baby move and kick. So amazing! I made an appointment for 2 weeks from now for the gender ultrasound! I can't wait to find out what we're having!!!

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Monday, March 11, 2013

14 Weeks!

How far along? 14 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: down 14-15 pounds

Maternity clothes? Just jeans, 2 tank tops, and I just bought a t-shirt yesterday. Mainly because its been so long since I've boughten any clothes I've been wearing the same few things that fit for so long I REALLY needed some new clothes, and if I'm buying them I might as well buy maternity so I can wear it longer!

Sleep: a litter better this week, but I think it's because I've taken Tylenol pm a few times. I've been getting headaches practically everyday and I try not to take anything and by the time I get home it's so bad that a few times I've just taken tylenol pm and gone to bed.

Best moment this week: embracing my bump! I went to a baby shower today and wore a cute new shirt and sweater and for the first time in a long time I felt cute. I don't usually wear tight shirts and I pretty much always hide myself behind a zip up hoodie and dark colored loser fitting shirts, but today I wore a light blue tank with dark blue polka dots and a grey sweater unbuttoned over it. Every one knows I'm pregnant, so its obvious that my tummy is a baby bump. Even though I'm sure I still look fat, I felt good about myself!

Movement: not yet

Food cravings: still just orange juice

Gender: I'm still thinking its a girl, but maybe boy?

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: nothing right now

What I am looking forward to: finding out if its a boy or girl! I have my 14 week appointment on Tuesday, and that's when I'll make my 18 week appointment where we'll find out, but I seriously can not wait! There's a place at the hospital that does gender ultrasounds at 16 weeks for $30. I know it's only 2 weeks earlier, but I am going to go crazy those 2 weeks, so I'm going to call in Monday and see if I can get an appointment. So I might be able to find out in 2 weeks instead of 1 month!

Milestones: being 14 weeks pregnant!

I went to a friend from works baby shower today and it made me so excited about my baby shower! And that I'm finally pregnant and finally get to experience all the things I've waited so long for! I feel so thankful and blessed to be pregnant! It still feels so surreal and most days I don't feel pregnant and think it might all be a dream. It's crazy to think I'm already 14 weeks pregnant. But I definitely have a little baby bump now and I'm sure in the next few weeks when I look in mirror there will be no mistaking that I'm pregnant! And I can't wait until I start feeling the baby move, then I'll really KNOW that I'm pregnant and be able to feel it all the time!

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013


The baby, kid, maternity consignment sale that we went to at the expo center last weekend and it sucked. It was like a garage sale in a room. Maybe if we knew what we were having and were looking for clothes and toys it might have been better, but they had barley any bigger items and the strollers and pack and plays they had were in pretty bad shape. And there was also a gun show going on at the expo center and parking was horrible. We had to park across the street in a muddy lot. It was not worth the time or effort. So to make up for it we went to Kid to Kid a local chain of consignment stores and we found a rock and play sleeper. So at least that was productive. And today I found a glider and ottoman on the ksl website, which is a local news TV station that had a news website with classifieds. We were a little apprehensive about going to someone's house, but I have friends at work who buy stuff all the time that they find on ksl. My friend whose baby is due at the end of this month got their babies whole bedroom set from ksl. It was a glider and ottoman for $50. You can't bet that. So we went and the people were really nice. It had a small stain on the ottoman but we have a carpet steamer that can clean furniture so I plan on cleaning and possibly even recovering it. It's dark cherry wood so I want to pain it white, and the padding is cream. It was a great deal!

The other big items I want new. The pack and play and stroller and carseat travel system. I'm hoping that my in-laws will get us the travel system. We have a swing, crib, and high chair already. I want the pack and play to use in the living room and I'll use the rock and play sleeper as a bassinet next to our bed. My in-laws have a changing table with drawers that they use with my husband, I haven't seen it but they say its in great shape and since it was only used for him (he's an only child) I'm sure it is. I'm not sure what color it is but I'll probably paint it white and if the drawers have handles I'll get cute ones. The dresser that's in that room right now is old and too low to use as a changing table, we are going to get rid of it, so hopefully the changing table will be nice!

I want to get the last of the stuff cleaned out of the nursery before we find out what we are having. That way I can focus that week just on setting up the nursery for the baby! And shopping for the baby! Since I have that week off work I'm hoping to get a lot done. Maybe we'll even get the room painted!

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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

13 Weeks!!!

13 weeks! Second trimester! Which means I'm 1/3 of the way through my pregnancy! Craziness! I really want to start working out. I've been thinking a out going to the gym, just to use the elliptical and maybe some light weights! I also ordered a prenatal workout DVD today so hopefully that'll be good!

How far along? 13 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: 14-15 pounds down

Maternity clothes? Jeans mainly because they are more comfortable and fit me better then my normal jeans.

Sleep: haven't been sleeping so well the past week or so, tossing and turning most of the night

Best moment this week: being 13 weeks! And shopping for a friends baby shower gift and thinking about how soon I'll be registering and buying stuff for my baby (gender specific stuff!)

Movement: can't wait for it

Food cravings: orange juice. Cuties (I think they're tangerines? Clementines? Not sure but they are SO good!)

Gender: I still think girl, but only 5 more weeks until we find out!

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: having a glass of wine after a long day...but it's worth it!

What I am looking forward to: finding out if baby is a boy or girl, registering, buying baby stuff, everything!

Milestones: second trimester!

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