Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Morning snuggles

I've been afraid to have Jackson in bed with us, afraid I'd roll over on him or something bad would happen, but one night recently he was so fussy I brought him into our bed and he feel asleep with me. I was laying on my side with him in my arms. I was able to get some sleep too. Since then I've been more comfortable having him in our bed. I don't sleep very well with him in bed because I wake up at every little noise and movement so I try to get him to sleep in his rock and play but the past few mornings after his early morning feeding (5 am or so) I've been snuggling with him in bed so I can get a little more sleep...it usually gets me about 2 more hours of sleep!

And there's nothing better then waking up and seeing his sweet face right there! This morning we just laid there and talked and cuddled for awhile! He's such a sweet heart in the mornings!

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Monday, September 23, 2013

1 month old!

Yesterday little J turned 1 month old! I can't believe he's been in my life for a whole month, and at the same time I can't remember my life before he was in it! Time is going so fast!

We had a weight check at our pediatricians on Wednesday and he's up to 8 lbs 4 oz!!! Yay! He's only in the 10% for weight, but based on how much he weighed when he was born he's gained weight perfectly! Josh and I were expecting him to be in the mid-high 7 lb range, but he surpassed that!

His sleeping at night isn't so great. He likes to sleep during the day and then stay up really late, like 1 am, which is late for us! We like to go to sleep by like 9pm. When I do finally get him to sleep he'll usually sleep for 3-4 hours before waking up to eat. He really likes to cluster feed/comfort nurse in the evenings and he's only happy with my boob in his mouth. He'll fall asleep there, but as soon as I move him he's wide awake. We haven't yet mastered nursing laying down, I wish we could so I could just lay there and nurse him, but for now I have to sit all the way up and use the boppy. I got one of those pillows that have little arm rests that makes it so comfortable to nurse! Like this:

Nursing is challenging and we are still getting the hang of it. It'll be so much easier when he isn't cluster feeding anymore. He does get an occasional bottle of formula at night. We see working on getting into a night time routine and trying to figure out what works best for us.

He's still really good when we go out, and in the car. He pretty much just sleeps the while time.

He's wearing size one diapers. We ran out of newborn so I decided to see if the size ones fit so that we could just start using those and not have to buy more newborn ones. They are a little big but they work. He's still wearing newborn clothes and some of the smaller 0-3 clothes, but most 0-3 is still too big for him.

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Monday, September 16, 2013

A good night

Last night I gave Jackson 4 oz of formula and a little bit later let him nurse and then put him to bed at about 10 pm, he slept until 2:45 am! Almost 5 hours! It felt wonderful! Then I changed him and nursed him for 20 minutes then gave him a bottle, I made a 4 oz bottle and about half way through I stopped to burp him and he spit up a lot all over me, the boppy, and the bed! I think he drank to much too quickly! I should have stopped earlier to burp him! So we had to change the sheets and my shirt and clean up. Then he was acting hungry again so I let him have more of the bottle making sure to stop often to burp him. He at another ounce and then I put him back to bed at about 4:15. He had a bit of a harder time going to sleep and I don't think he fell asleep asleep until about 4:40 but then he slept until 8 am! That's about 3 1/2 more of sleep! I think he would have probably gone longer if we hadn't had the whole spit up ordeal in the middle of the night! I'm hoping we can get him into a routine of sleeping like this every night! I woke up to full and painful boobs though! I nursed him and then pumped.

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Sunday, September 15, 2013


Jackson will be 4 weeks old tomorrow and today I gave him formula for the first time.

Last night was horrible. Our worst night yet. He wanted to nurse every hour, for about 30 minutes, and he wouldn't really go to sleep in between. So far he's slept in the rock and play because I've been to scared to fall asleep with him in the bed, but last night the only way I could get some sleep was to hold him. I try to nurse laying down, but we really struggle with that because of how large my boobs are (nursing bra I got is 38 I) so I tried that for a little bit and then I just laid there on my side with him in my arm and he slept an I was able to get a little sleep. Maybe 2-3 hours. Definitely not enough. He nursed 19 times yesterday, so my nipples are so sore. I nursed him this morning and then we were going to go to the store and I knew he'd want to eat again so I pumped (about an hour after he nursed) and didn't even get a full ounce. I just feel so defeated. So I opened up the box in the cabinet that similac sent to me and mixed the small bottle of liquid formula in with the breast milk. I ended up with about 3 oz and he ate all but a few drops of it. So well so how he does with it and for I'll have to decide what I want to do for the rest of the day but I will probably give him another bottle with pumped milk formula tonight before bed and hopefully it will help him sleep better. I want to always make sure I pump even if he has an only formula bottle because 1. It will help keep up my milk supply and 2. It will build a freezer stash of breast milk and hopefully eventually he can have only breast milk.

I kinda feel like a failure. I haven't even told josh yet that I gave him formula. I really want him to be breast feed. It's really important to me and I know that its what's best for him, but I am exhausted and having such a hard time right now. My boobs need a break. And honestly breastfeeding was beginning to feel like a dreaded chore, especially at night. Mainly because my nipples hurt and having to sit up and get all situated to be able to nurse and knowing he could go for 20 mins or an hour and there was no way to know how long he'd want to nurse for. And half the time he'd sleep when he was nursing. Now nursing (at least this afternoon) is more enjoyable. There's less worry and pressure knowing that its ok and I can give him a bottle of formula if I need to. Of course I feel ashamed of the fact that I'm giving my baby formula and that I'm ok with it. I'm not perfect but I'm doing the best I can and what's best for us and my sanity.

Hopefully we'll have a better night tonight!

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Monday, September 9, 2013

Due date and 3 weeks!

Yesterday was my due date and today Jackson is 3 weeks old! Even though I always felt like he'd come early I'm still shocked that he was one day shy of being 3 weeks old on my due date! I sure didn't think he'd come that early! I'm just thankful he was healthy and strong!

He seems to be going through a growth spurt. He wants to nurse a lot more often but he seems like he is nursing for less time (not always and not a whole lot less) but hopefully he is becoming more efficient at nursing!

Nanna (my mom) left on Saturday and I pretty much had a melt down after we dropped her off at the airport. I couldn't stop crying. I just kept thinking "I can't do this on my own". I know that I have josh, but he hadn't been so helpful while my mom was here, and I know that's mainly because my mom and I just did everything and I'm sure he felt kind of unneeded and left out and I feel bad for that, but my mom was a huge help to me. Josh told me he's here to help and I just need to communicate with him and tell him what I need and what he can do to help. It's hard though because I want to feel like a good mom and do it all myself, but I know I can't and shouldn't have to. The first night was rough. He was really fussy (which is unusual for him) and all he wanted to do was cry or nurse. I was upset and frustrated because I didn't know what to do and so I was crying and so josh just took him into his room and rocked him in his glider and let him calm down and let me calm down and after awhile I went and got him and nursed him and was able to get him to sleep eventually. He nursed pretty often yesterday but last night was better. He nursed more frequently during the night then he usually does, but usually after his early morning feeding (around 6 am) he's wide awake and won't go back to sleep but this morning he did and I got to sleep about 3 more hours! So that was good.

Today we had our first trip out all alone, just me and Jackson, it was just a quick trip to the grocery store for a few things. I was a little scared about doing it by myself. We went out quite a lot when my mom was here and he was always really good, but she was always there so it gave me reassurance I guess. But our little outing was fine. He always falls asleep in the car, so even though he was crying at first he fell right to sleep. I put on my boba wrap before I left and just put him in that as soon as we got to the store and he loves it. He just slept the whole time. That wrap is going to be a life saver! I'm so glad I bought it! So much easier then the stroller or lugging his car seat around! Here's a pic from the first time we used it at the farmers market on Saturday (today was the second time)

We also went on a walk this afternoon after the store. He loves his walks to. Once its a little cooler I'll probably use the wrap for walks, but for now while its still hot out I'll use the stroller. He just sleeps the whole time.

I also discovered that its much more comfortable to nurse him in his glider. So I'm going to test the out tonight during the night. I'm going to have my iPad in there and I'm going to watch Netflix while I nurse him. It's also easier to change his diaper on his changing table so I can just change him and nurse him and then go back to bed once were done. I think it will also allow josh to get better sleep if I'm not nursing him/changing him in bed since he cries whenever he gets his diaper changed!

Well the little guy is waking and needs to be feed! So here's some quick pics!

A few days old and 3 weeks old!

2 week well check

Jackson had his 2 week well check on Wednesday at 16 days old. He was up to 6 lbs 13 oz and 20.4 inches long. So he got back up to his birth weight plus 3 more oz! And he's 2 inches longer! He's a long skinny guy!

When I mentioned to the pediatrician that he'll nurse for close to an hour sometimes he seemed kind of concerned about that. He said that he will waste a lot calories eating for that long and it will cause him to stop gaining weight. He advised me to nurse him for 10 minutes on each side and then pump and if he's still hungry give him what I pump. Well I tried that the same day and it was hard and frustrating for me and Jackson wasn't happy about it either. He was wanting to eat much more often. The more I thought about the less I liked this plan. The doctor didn't ask and I didn't say how long he was going between feedings, so while he was nursing for 45 mins to an hour, he'd go 3+ hours before his next feeding. When I tried the doctors idea he was wanting to eat ever hour and a half to 2 hours! So I'm back to doing it my way and we go back (2 weeks from our appointment) for a weight check. If he isn't gaining enough weight we'll re-evaluate, but I'm pretty sure he will gain just fine! Sometimes he cluster feeds and wants to nurse more often, but that's normal, and he likes to snooze some of the time when he's on my breast so he's not nursing the entire time.

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Saturday, September 7, 2013

2 weeks!

My little man is 2 weeks old today!!! It feels like he's been with us forever and at the same time like there's no way he can already be 2 weeks old! I still can't believe that he's mine. Earlier today he was in his swing across the room and my mom and I were watching a movie and I looked over and could see his cute little head and I just thought "wow, he's mine. He's really my son. I have a son." It's still crazy to me that he's here and he's mine!

He's becoming more alert when he's awake, and spending more time awake. Last night it was 2-4 am, so I'm hoping that was a one time thing! Today he's been awake a lot more, so hopefully he'll sleep well tonight, and go back to sleep after he eats instead of staying awake. He only cried when his binky fell out, otherwise he was content to just lay there in the rock and play sleeper. And he must be growing because all he wants to do is eat! He loves to eat. Sometimes I think he can't possibly be hungry, but he wants to eat. He ate a 3 oz bottle today like it was nothing! But hopefully that means he's gaining weight! I can't wait to see how much on Wednesday at his 2 week well check!

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First trip

Yesterday we had our first trip out, other then to the doctors. We went and had Jackson's newborn pics taken and then we went into my work to show off little man and to shop. We also had about an hour to waste before we could go back and view our pictures and get our cd of the pics. He did amazing out and about! I got my breast pump in the mail yesterday so I pumped and gave him his very first bottle when we got to the picture place! I was way nervous about my first attempt at nursing in a public place, and I also had to wear a normal bra since I don't have a good supportive nursing one and that makes it really hard to nurse! They wanted us to get there early and feed him so he'd be nice and sleepy for the photo session! He took the bottle perfectly! And was so great during the photo session! The 2 girls doing his photos LOVED him! They were gushing over him the whole time, which I completely understand because he's so adorable and perfect! We got some amazing pictures! I don't know how I'm going to chose a few for his birth announcement! He was hungry after that so I nursed him in the car before we drove across the parking lot to my work. He was so good there too. I took the stroller in and he just slept the whole time! Then we viewed the pics and ended up getting a package with some prints so we waited for those and then we got chick fa la for dinner and came home. No fussing or anything from the little man! I fed him as soon as we got home (and ate at the same time) then handed him off to nana and west to bed, around 9pm, I woke up a little before 1 am and went downstairs to get him and fed him. My mom hasn't texted me yet but I felt like it was probably time to eat! He had just started waking up when I went down so I fed him, he ate for an hour and then I brought him upstairs to go to bed. I put him in his rock and play and he sleep until 7:15 am!!! Holy cow! About 2:15am to 7:15am! I hope it's ok for him to go that long between feedings! I'm sure it won't be like that every night, but it was good to get a solid chunk of sleep!

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Sunday, September 1, 2013

39 weeks - 13 days old

Today I would be 39 weeks pregnant, but instead Jackson is 13 days old! He'll be 2 weeks old tomorrow! I can't believe it! On one hand I don't remember what life was like before him and on the other I feel like he can't be 2 weeks old already!

He's such a sweet baby and I feel like we are SO incredible lucky to have him in our lives. He rarely cries and when he does it usually for a reason, like having his diaper changed, he doesn't like that. And it's usually easy to calm him down when he's upset. I can usually just pick him up and cuddle him close on my chest and talk to him and he calms down!

He seems to be eating well as far as I can tell, it's hard with breastfeeding because I don't know how much he's actually eating. Well see how much he's gained when we go to his 2 week well check on Wednesday.

Brody seems very protective of him already and likes to be close to him. When he cries Brody gets upset about it!

We've taken him out quite a few times (my mom and I) and he's so good! Apparently he likes being in the car and stroller because he just sleeps! I nursed him in the mothers room at babies r us once and I've nursed him a few times in the car. It's easier to take a bottle of pumped when we go out because of how long he likes to nurse for! He can finish a bottle much more quickly. But so far he's mommy and Nana's shopping buddy!
In a cart at SAMs club:

He loves his binky and we got a wubbanub hoping it would help him keep his binky in his mouth, it does help but it still falls out of his mouth quite often. At night I try to get him to fall asleep without it because every time it falls out of his mouth he fusses so it keeps me awake. Sometimes if he's in a deep sleep and it falls out he'll keep sleeping.

He also has a talent of peeing out of his diaper. Like up the side and it'll be all over his onesie! I don't know if its the diapers or what but it happens at least once a day. Knock on wood that he hasn't peed a whole lot during diaper changes! He just likes to wait until after I get him dressed and then pee out of him diaper! I dressed him in this cute outfit and he peed as soon as I picked him up off the changing table! So I took a pic because I loved the outfit!

Before he was born I thought I had plenty of newborn diapers and didn't think I'd even use them all, but he was a lot smaller then I thought he'd be and we've gone through all the newborn size I had, had to buy a new pack, and just opened another new pack! The newest pack is babies r us brand and they seem to be bigger then the pampers we've been using so they are too big on his skinny little legs! I've also tried putting him in cloth diapers, but so far they are too big on his little legs! He's just so tiny! He's long but skinny!

I got him a Star Wars onesie from kid 2 kid for $0.99 because josh likes Star Wars. It's newborn but has room for him to grow into it! I also get him the tiniest little newborn size jeans!
Letting him suck on my finger so he'd stop fussing for the picture (he was hungry and I was about to feed him)

And another of him all stretched out:

The jeans have room to grow, but not in the length! If he gets longer they'll be too short! Hopefully he plumps up some before he grows a lot in length!

He's just so perfect and so adorable! I love him so much!

Breast feeding

I'm determined to breastfeed. It's something that is really important to me and I know its what's best for my baby. I knew it might not be easy, I knew it could be hard work, I knew the first few weeks would be the hardest, and I am determined to do whatever I can to be successful at it, and as long as I try everything, and do what I can, if it doesn't work out I'm ok with that too, but I know I can do it!

And now that Jackson is here and I'm breastfeeding, it is hard, but parts of it are easy too. And it hurts! One of my nipples is really sore and its painful when he nurses on that side. But its nice to be able to just pull out my boob and feed him in the middle of the night, or during the day at home. We're getting the hand of it and the actual nursing part, as far as positioning and how to hold him, is getting easier. He's a slow (aka lazy) eater and can easily nurse on one side anywhere from 30-45+ minutes! He dozes off and then I'll stroke his head or cheek and he'll eat again, over and over again. So somedays I feel like all I'm doing is nursing! I have been able to pump and when we go out I take a bottle and he takes it well and has no problem going back to the breast. He gets a surprised look on his face when he first takes the bottle because its cold, but he takes it just fine. At night he has been really amazing! I don't want to jinx it but I feed him when I go to bed, around 8-9 and then he wakes up around 2-2:30 am and then again around 6:30-7 am. Sometimes he'll go back to sleep after the 6:30-7 am feeding, but usually he stays awake and alert after it so we usually just get up after that feeding, so he's really only waking up once throughout the night to eat! Although he'll nurse for close to an hour usually its better then him waking up multiple times throughout the night. And hopefully he'll get quicker at eating as he grows!

Our 2 week well check is Wednesday and I can't wait to see how much he weighs! I hope he's gaining the weight he should be gaining!

He's such a sweet baby! I just love him so much!

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