Monday, September 9, 2013

2 week well check

Jackson had his 2 week well check on Wednesday at 16 days old. He was up to 6 lbs 13 oz and 20.4 inches long. So he got back up to his birth weight plus 3 more oz! And he's 2 inches longer! He's a long skinny guy!

When I mentioned to the pediatrician that he'll nurse for close to an hour sometimes he seemed kind of concerned about that. He said that he will waste a lot calories eating for that long and it will cause him to stop gaining weight. He advised me to nurse him for 10 minutes on each side and then pump and if he's still hungry give him what I pump. Well I tried that the same day and it was hard and frustrating for me and Jackson wasn't happy about it either. He was wanting to eat much more often. The more I thought about the less I liked this plan. The doctor didn't ask and I didn't say how long he was going between feedings, so while he was nursing for 45 mins to an hour, he'd go 3+ hours before his next feeding. When I tried the doctors idea he was wanting to eat ever hour and a half to 2 hours! So I'm back to doing it my way and we go back (2 weeks from our appointment) for a weight check. If he isn't gaining enough weight we'll re-evaluate, but I'm pretty sure he will gain just fine! Sometimes he cluster feeds and wants to nurse more often, but that's normal, and he likes to snooze some of the time when he's on my breast so he's not nursing the entire time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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