Saturday, September 7, 2013

First trip

Yesterday we had our first trip out, other then to the doctors. We went and had Jackson's newborn pics taken and then we went into my work to show off little man and to shop. We also had about an hour to waste before we could go back and view our pictures and get our cd of the pics. He did amazing out and about! I got my breast pump in the mail yesterday so I pumped and gave him his very first bottle when we got to the picture place! I was way nervous about my first attempt at nursing in a public place, and I also had to wear a normal bra since I don't have a good supportive nursing one and that makes it really hard to nurse! They wanted us to get there early and feed him so he'd be nice and sleepy for the photo session! He took the bottle perfectly! And was so great during the photo session! The 2 girls doing his photos LOVED him! They were gushing over him the whole time, which I completely understand because he's so adorable and perfect! We got some amazing pictures! I don't know how I'm going to chose a few for his birth announcement! He was hungry after that so I nursed him in the car before we drove across the parking lot to my work. He was so good there too. I took the stroller in and he just slept the whole time! Then we viewed the pics and ended up getting a package with some prints so we waited for those and then we got chick fa la for dinner and came home. No fussing or anything from the little man! I fed him as soon as we got home (and ate at the same time) then handed him off to nana and west to bed, around 9pm, I woke up a little before 1 am and went downstairs to get him and fed him. My mom hasn't texted me yet but I felt like it was probably time to eat! He had just started waking up when I went down so I fed him, he ate for an hour and then I brought him upstairs to go to bed. I put him in his rock and play and he sleep until 7:15 am!!! Holy cow! About 2:15am to 7:15am! I hope it's ok for him to go that long between feedings! I'm sure it won't be like that every night, but it was good to get a solid chunk of sleep!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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