Saturday, September 7, 2013

2 weeks!

My little man is 2 weeks old today!!! It feels like he's been with us forever and at the same time like there's no way he can already be 2 weeks old! I still can't believe that he's mine. Earlier today he was in his swing across the room and my mom and I were watching a movie and I looked over and could see his cute little head and I just thought "wow, he's mine. He's really my son. I have a son." It's still crazy to me that he's here and he's mine!

He's becoming more alert when he's awake, and spending more time awake. Last night it was 2-4 am, so I'm hoping that was a one time thing! Today he's been awake a lot more, so hopefully he'll sleep well tonight, and go back to sleep after he eats instead of staying awake. He only cried when his binky fell out, otherwise he was content to just lay there in the rock and play sleeper. And he must be growing because all he wants to do is eat! He loves to eat. Sometimes I think he can't possibly be hungry, but he wants to eat. He ate a 3 oz bottle today like it was nothing! But hopefully that means he's gaining weight! I can't wait to see how much on Wednesday at his 2 week well check!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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