Monday, September 9, 2013

Due date and 3 weeks!

Yesterday was my due date and today Jackson is 3 weeks old! Even though I always felt like he'd come early I'm still shocked that he was one day shy of being 3 weeks old on my due date! I sure didn't think he'd come that early! I'm just thankful he was healthy and strong!

He seems to be going through a growth spurt. He wants to nurse a lot more often but he seems like he is nursing for less time (not always and not a whole lot less) but hopefully he is becoming more efficient at nursing!

Nanna (my mom) left on Saturday and I pretty much had a melt down after we dropped her off at the airport. I couldn't stop crying. I just kept thinking "I can't do this on my own". I know that I have josh, but he hadn't been so helpful while my mom was here, and I know that's mainly because my mom and I just did everything and I'm sure he felt kind of unneeded and left out and I feel bad for that, but my mom was a huge help to me. Josh told me he's here to help and I just need to communicate with him and tell him what I need and what he can do to help. It's hard though because I want to feel like a good mom and do it all myself, but I know I can't and shouldn't have to. The first night was rough. He was really fussy (which is unusual for him) and all he wanted to do was cry or nurse. I was upset and frustrated because I didn't know what to do and so I was crying and so josh just took him into his room and rocked him in his glider and let him calm down and let me calm down and after awhile I went and got him and nursed him and was able to get him to sleep eventually. He nursed pretty often yesterday but last night was better. He nursed more frequently during the night then he usually does, but usually after his early morning feeding (around 6 am) he's wide awake and won't go back to sleep but this morning he did and I got to sleep about 3 more hours! So that was good.

Today we had our first trip out all alone, just me and Jackson, it was just a quick trip to the grocery store for a few things. I was a little scared about doing it by myself. We went out quite a lot when my mom was here and he was always really good, but she was always there so it gave me reassurance I guess. But our little outing was fine. He always falls asleep in the car, so even though he was crying at first he fell right to sleep. I put on my boba wrap before I left and just put him in that as soon as we got to the store and he loves it. He just slept the whole time. That wrap is going to be a life saver! I'm so glad I bought it! So much easier then the stroller or lugging his car seat around! Here's a pic from the first time we used it at the farmers market on Saturday (today was the second time)

We also went on a walk this afternoon after the store. He loves his walks to. Once its a little cooler I'll probably use the wrap for walks, but for now while its still hot out I'll use the stroller. He just sleeps the whole time.

I also discovered that its much more comfortable to nurse him in his glider. So I'm going to test the out tonight during the night. I'm going to have my iPad in there and I'm going to watch Netflix while I nurse him. It's also easier to change his diaper on his changing table so I can just change him and nurse him and then go back to bed once were done. I think it will also allow josh to get better sleep if I'm not nursing him/changing him in bed since he cries whenever he gets his diaper changed!

Well the little guy is waking and needs to be feed! So here's some quick pics!

A few days old and 3 weeks old!

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