Monday, September 23, 2013

1 month old!

Yesterday little J turned 1 month old! I can't believe he's been in my life for a whole month, and at the same time I can't remember my life before he was in it! Time is going so fast!

We had a weight check at our pediatricians on Wednesday and he's up to 8 lbs 4 oz!!! Yay! He's only in the 10% for weight, but based on how much he weighed when he was born he's gained weight perfectly! Josh and I were expecting him to be in the mid-high 7 lb range, but he surpassed that!

His sleeping at night isn't so great. He likes to sleep during the day and then stay up really late, like 1 am, which is late for us! We like to go to sleep by like 9pm. When I do finally get him to sleep he'll usually sleep for 3-4 hours before waking up to eat. He really likes to cluster feed/comfort nurse in the evenings and he's only happy with my boob in his mouth. He'll fall asleep there, but as soon as I move him he's wide awake. We haven't yet mastered nursing laying down, I wish we could so I could just lay there and nurse him, but for now I have to sit all the way up and use the boppy. I got one of those pillows that have little arm rests that makes it so comfortable to nurse! Like this:

Nursing is challenging and we are still getting the hang of it. It'll be so much easier when he isn't cluster feeding anymore. He does get an occasional bottle of formula at night. We see working on getting into a night time routine and trying to figure out what works best for us.

He's still really good when we go out, and in the car. He pretty much just sleeps the while time.

He's wearing size one diapers. We ran out of newborn so I decided to see if the size ones fit so that we could just start using those and not have to buy more newborn ones. They are a little big but they work. He's still wearing newborn clothes and some of the smaller 0-3 clothes, but most 0-3 is still too big for him.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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