Sunday, September 1, 2013

Breast feeding

I'm determined to breastfeed. It's something that is really important to me and I know its what's best for my baby. I knew it might not be easy, I knew it could be hard work, I knew the first few weeks would be the hardest, and I am determined to do whatever I can to be successful at it, and as long as I try everything, and do what I can, if it doesn't work out I'm ok with that too, but I know I can do it!

And now that Jackson is here and I'm breastfeeding, it is hard, but parts of it are easy too. And it hurts! One of my nipples is really sore and its painful when he nurses on that side. But its nice to be able to just pull out my boob and feed him in the middle of the night, or during the day at home. We're getting the hand of it and the actual nursing part, as far as positioning and how to hold him, is getting easier. He's a slow (aka lazy) eater and can easily nurse on one side anywhere from 30-45+ minutes! He dozes off and then I'll stroke his head or cheek and he'll eat again, over and over again. So somedays I feel like all I'm doing is nursing! I have been able to pump and when we go out I take a bottle and he takes it well and has no problem going back to the breast. He gets a surprised look on his face when he first takes the bottle because its cold, but he takes it just fine. At night he has been really amazing! I don't want to jinx it but I feed him when I go to bed, around 8-9 and then he wakes up around 2-2:30 am and then again around 6:30-7 am. Sometimes he'll go back to sleep after the 6:30-7 am feeding, but usually he stays awake and alert after it so we usually just get up after that feeding, so he's really only waking up once throughout the night to eat! Although he'll nurse for close to an hour usually its better then him waking up multiple times throughout the night. And hopefully he'll get quicker at eating as he grows!

Our 2 week well check is Wednesday and I can't wait to see how much he weighs! I hope he's gaining the weight he should be gaining!

He's such a sweet baby! I just love him so much!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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