Monday, September 16, 2013

A good night

Last night I gave Jackson 4 oz of formula and a little bit later let him nurse and then put him to bed at about 10 pm, he slept until 2:45 am! Almost 5 hours! It felt wonderful! Then I changed him and nursed him for 20 minutes then gave him a bottle, I made a 4 oz bottle and about half way through I stopped to burp him and he spit up a lot all over me, the boppy, and the bed! I think he drank to much too quickly! I should have stopped earlier to burp him! So we had to change the sheets and my shirt and clean up. Then he was acting hungry again so I let him have more of the bottle making sure to stop often to burp him. He at another ounce and then I put him back to bed at about 4:15. He had a bit of a harder time going to sleep and I don't think he fell asleep asleep until about 4:40 but then he slept until 8 am! That's about 3 1/2 more of sleep! I think he would have probably gone longer if we hadn't had the whole spit up ordeal in the middle of the night! I'm hoping we can get him into a routine of sleeping like this every night! I woke up to full and painful boobs though! I nursed him and then pumped.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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