Thursday, February 27, 2014

Weight lose

I'm really struggling to lose weight. I go to the gym at least 4 days a week. I'm eating healthier, not as great as I'd like to be, but much better then I was. And I haven't lost any weight. I was doing cardio and some weights at the gym, but in the past few days I decided to focus on cardio and once I start losing weight I'll start doing weights. It's so frustrating to fell like I'm putting in an effort and not seeing results. I know my challenge is with food. I really need to make that my focus. I need to stop eating sweets. I need to cut down on carbs and sugar. Weight watchers just isn't really working for me. I think I am going to try to do egg whites for breakfast, and chicken and veggies for dinner. For lunch I'll do something healthy. Maybe a chicken sandwich on a whole wheat English muffin, or a fruit smoothie. They say losing weight is 80%/20%, 80 what you eat, 20 working out. Obviously focusing on working out isn't working and I really need to focus on what I eat. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels right?!

So for the next week my focus will be on food, eating healthier, lower carbs, less sugar. More fruits, more veggies. Hopefully next Friday I will see a change on the scale and it will help motivate me.

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A day in the life

Here's what a typical day looks like for us right now. Jackson is 6 months old.

My alarm clock goes off at 6:30 am. On a bad morning I hit snooze a few times, on a good morning I get up right away or only snooze once. I get up, go to the bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth, fix my hair. Then I get my workout clothes, usually they are in the laundry room, I put on my workout pants and socks and my pumping bra. Then I go downstairs and get my coffee and stuff to pump.

At 7 I get Jackson up. He's so used to the schedule now that he usually wakes up around then, if he wakes up earlier, like he did this morning, he doesn't cry, he just lays in his crib and moves around and sucks his thumb. I change his diaper and bring him into my bed to nurse him. I nurse him on one side at this time and pump the other side. Right now I'm watching the biggest loser on demand, workout motivation! After j eats I try to put on a little makeup, or if I didn't get up early enough I wash my face and all that stuff.

At 8 am we go downstairs and have breakfast. Jackson gets his sippy cup of water and fruit mixed with oatmeal/cereal. I eat breakfast at this time too. I also usually have a second cup of coffee. And I put the milk I pumped away.

After he eats, about 8:20, we go up to his room and I nurse him (more of a snack then a full nursing) in his glider in his room then I put him down for a nap. Then I finish getting ready, hand the monitor screen off to my mom and go to the gym!

At 9:30-10 Jackson wakes up from his nap, usually I'm not back from the gym yet so my mom gets him up and changes his diaper. The play and when I get home I usually have enough time to shower.

At 11am I nurse Jackson. Usually I heat up some soup or grab something for lunch and them head down to my moms to feed him. I feed him and we chat and watch tv. If we're going to go somewhere my mom gets ready to go while I feed him. Then we play.

At 12 pm J gets lunch. If I didn't already eat then I eat my lunch at this time. If we go out we usually skip his lunch. He gets his sippy cup with water and a fruit and a veggie.

At 12:30 J goes down for a nap. I take him up to his room and nurse him a little then put him in his crib. During his nap I clean, do laundry, or occasional sew. He usually sleeps for 2 hours.

At 2:30 I get J up and change him. We snuggle or play a little.

At 3 I nurse him. Then we play se more.

Between 4-5 (usually closer to 4) J eats dinner. I usually make dinner while I feed him his dinner. He gets a fruit and a veggie.

At 5 J takes a little 30 minute catnap. Usually my mom holds him and let's him snooze in her arms while we eat and when he wakes up she brings him up and she eats. During this time we usually play on the living room floor and in his jumper.

At about 6:15-6:20 I warm up his bedtime bottle and then head upstairs for his bath at 6:30. I give him his bath and then lotion and pjs. After his bath, usually around 7, josh feeds him his bottle in our bed. I get his room ready from bed, change his sheets if they need changing, turn on his white noise, get his sleep sack and then I pump. Half way through his bottle josh puts him into his sleep sack. He finishes his bottle and then I take him and put him to bed by 7:30. sometimes we rock for a few minutes, but he seems to go to bed easier if I just lay him right down. He goes to sleep easily most nights, especially now that I put him to sleep on his tummy.

Then I watch tv, read, play on my phone, clean up the kitchen, sew, or whatever I need to do before I pump again, and then go to bed.

This schedule is working great for us, except the going out of the house. He won't nap for very long in his car seat anymore so he usually takes a really short afternoon nap. When this happens he'll usually be a little bit grumpy for the rest of the day, but not to bad. I'm hoping that maybe he'll get used to going out during nap time and start sleeping longer while we're out, but at the same time I don't want to do it too often because I don't want to mess up the schedule were on. It truly us a balancing act. As the weather gets warmer we like to take a walk to get the mail in the afternoon, between he's nursing at 3 and his dinner. As the weather gets warmer hopefully we can make those walks longer! I love that I get to go to the gym in the morning and have his afternoon nap time to get stuff done. I'm still struggling to find time to do craft/sewing stuff, I might just start trying to get an hour in after he goes to bed. I want to see burp cloths so I can try to sell them!

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Friday, February 21, 2014

6 month shots

On Wednesday we had to go back to the pediatrician to get J's shots. Poor baby hated it. He was already screaming his head off during the oral stuff before the nurse even did the shots. He was just looking at me screaming like "help me momma!" Breaks my heart to see him like that. And then the shots. I hate hearing that cry, the pain cry. This time he was way more pissed off and upset about it then the previous times. He cried all the way out to the car. And I stayed in the backseat with him and my mom drove (she went with me because josh couldn't get away from work). He would look at me, give me a dirty look, pout and then start crying. He was so mad at me. We went to hobby lobby and he slept the whole time. Then we went to target and then to Walmart. He was good just a sleepy little guy. By the time we got to walmart he was hungry so I put him in the ergo and nursed him while walking around walmart! I had a blanket covering him and no one could see anything but I was so proud of myself! Then we went and had lunch at kneaders. He was perfectly content sitting in his seat on the table. I let him taste a pickle and he likes it!

The rest of the day and the next day he was fussy and miserable. I gave him Tylenol and we had lots of snuggling! He slept from 7:30- 7 last night without any crying!!! Yay. Usually he wakes up a few times between 4 and 7 am and fusses/cries a little before falling back to sleep. Wednesday and Thursday we kinda got off our daily schedule because of the shots and he didn't nap when he should of so today were back to our schedule. The moms on call schedule is working great for us! With our next baby I need to do it from the beginning!

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Friday, February 14, 2014

I'm a stay at home mom!

I'm a stay at home mom! This is something I think daily...multiple times a day. I've always wanted to be a stay at home mom. It's how I always pictured how it would be when I had a family, but as bad as I wanted it, it didn't look like it would be that way. But it is. What I always dreamed of is my reality. I love that I'm the one who gets my baby up every morning, I'm the one who puts him to bed every night. I'm the one who feeds him when he's hungry. I change his diapers. I can snuggle him and love on him whenever I want. I got to watch him grow, change, and learn every day. I get to be there to see him learn new tricks, master skills, reach milestones. I love it. I will admit that at times it's hard, tiring, frustrating even, but worth every moment. I am so incredible lucky to be able to be home with him. To be the one raising my son. I feel like after having to go back to work I appreciate this opportunity then some moms who just automatically get to be stay at home moms. I feel like they sometimes take it for granted. But after seeing how difficult it was to work AND take care of my baby I think this is easier. For some work is a "break" from taking care of the baby. But I didn't feel that way. I missed my baby like crazy, so when I was home all I wanted to do was spend my time with him, so household chores where falling by the wayside. And I was so tired from working and then taking care of Jackson that I was losing my patience more quickly, I was exhausted and resentful of josh. I had no time for myself. No time for my marriage.

Since being home that has changed. I'm so much happier. My marriage is better. I get things done during nap time, like cleaning, and sometimes, like today crafting! I cook healthy dinners almost every night. I love this life. I love being a stay at home mom.

I'm also very lucky to have my mom here. I joined a gym and I am able to go most days. I usually put Jackson down for his morning nap and give my mom the monitor and then go to the gym. She gets him and snuggles him and plays with him until I get back. And now that he's on a schedule I know when he'll need to eat and I can plan around that to be home by the time he needs to eat. She'll also sometimes watch him while I cook dinner. I try not to take advantage of her though. And I like feeling like I'm doing this whole wife/mom/homemaker thing without lots of help.

I love that I'm my sons favorite person, I'm sure it would be that way even if I worked, but I love the bond we have and that I get to spend so much time with him. I love the smile and excitement on his face when I come home from the gym and walk into the room and he sees me. Or when I go to get him in the morning or after a nap. I love that he reaches for me now and that it's obvious he prefers me.

I love this life. I love that I'm able to be home with my son.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentines day!

Tomorrow is valentines day and josh and I are going out to dinner tonight in hopes of beating the crowds! So nana is watching J. I put on his eligible bachelor valentines onesie:

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

6 month check

Today we had Jackson's 6 month well baby appointment! He weighs 18 pounds and is 27.1 inches tall! 70th percentile for weight! He's a chunker! Dr said everything looks great, he's growing and developing great! I asked about giving him food that we eat since he's always so interested in what we're eating and he said that's fine. Just do soft foods, small pieces, and no honey. He said dairy is fine but no milk. His next appointment will be at 9 months.

He didn't get shots today. The woman that scheduled out appointment, right after our last appointment, just gave me a day like "ok for his 6 month appointment is February 12 ok?" So I didn't even think anything of it and just scheduled it for then....well he needs to be 6 months. Most of the shots he could have gotten today because it goes by weeks and he was old enough but for the flu shot insurance won't cover it until he's 6 months old. So we decided not to do any shots today and we'll go back in a week and get all the shots then. I'd rather do shots once then today and next week!

And he scooted forward at the doctors office while we where waiting! I was letting him lay on his tummy on the exam table and his toy was in front of him and he got his knee up and got his leg under himself and scooted forward! Josh and I were both like whao!!! Great job buddy!!! It was so cute! We tried to get him to do it again but he didn't.

The dr also said that I can put him to bed on his tummy if I want to. He said that if he sleeps better on his tummy then it's perfectly safe because he can move around and roll onto his back. I mentioned that he's not rolling back to tummy yet and he said that perfectly normal, it's harder to roll that way so it takes longer for them to do it.

Unrelated to the doctors appointment-he sat up for a few seconds on his own! He was sitting next to my leg so that helped him a little:

He's starting to sit for a few second on his own until he gets distracted or excited!

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Now that Jackson is rolling over, and getting a hand/arm out at least once a night, I'm trying to stop swaddling. Last night was the first night. I swaddled him with one arm out and he cried for a few minutes then rubbed his eyes and moved his hand around for a few minutes and then fell asleep. He loves his blankets and I usually put one over him and one side of it up next to his face, well with his arm out I don't want a blanket in there with him so I put a "lovie" in there, one of those smaller blankets. He's so cute with his little hand out!

At around 11:30pm he woke up crying. I went and put his bink in 2 times before I gave up. He cried, fussed, and moved around and finally at 1am I decided to go in and unswaddle the other arm. I figured if he was going to fuss and cry I might as well just do both arms at once instead of get him used to 1 arm out and then have to go through this again to get the other arm unswaddled. He cried, fussed, and moved around until 3 am before finally falling asleep. Then he woke up again at 5 am, I brought him into bed with me, fed him and then we slept until 10 am. Tonight I put him to bed with both arms out and he moved around, fussed, and cried for about 30 mins before falling asleep. We'll see how the rest of the night goes.

His naps have been horrible lately. He's been refusing to nap and when he does he only sleeps for like 20 minutes. So to try to get him back to sleeping thru the night and taking naps I'm starting the moms on call schedule. Hoping it helps him get on a napping and sleeping schedule!

It's now night 3 and it's been rough. He has woken up and cried multiple times each night and while the day schedule has been easier then the nights, he's still getting used to it. Well it's now 3 am (I'm pumping) and he hasn't woken up yet tonight! I'm guessing he will at some point in these early morning hours, but I've been following the advice in the book and not going back into his room at night (except when he got himself scrunched into the corner of his crib the other night). So it is getting better! I just can't wait until he sleeps from 7:30 to 6:30-7 am! He's been taking his morning nap really well but were still working on the afternoon nap. The afternoon nap should be 1 1/2-2 hours long and after taking short catnaps for so long I think it's been hard for him to get used to taking such a long nap. The first day he slept 45 minutes then woke up. I let him fuss in his crib until it had been 1 1/2 hours. Day 2 he slept for about an hour then I went in and picked him up and rocked him back to sleep and let him sleep 30 minutes in my arms. Yesterday he slept 1 hour 15 minutes and I did the same thing as the previous day-rocked him and let him sleep but for a total of 2 hours. I'm mainly trying to get him used to sleeping a longer stretch of time at that time of day. Hopefully he'll continue to sleep longer each day on his own until he sleeps the whole time!

He's also started sucking his thumb more now that he's not swaddled. He's currently sucking it right now! So cute!
Such a cute sleeping baby:

Sucking his thumb:

And rocking him during nap time:

I have to admit I've loved these rocking sleeping baby snuggle times!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Picture catch up

Wow I am way behind! Here's a pic overload!
Poor dog...he has no idea what he's in for:

Cute boy and pics with his momma:

Just waking up from a nap, big boy no longer fits in this seat, sucking his hands:

Food time!

New paci (didn't last he prefers the mam), snuggles with momma, waking up from a nap:

Cute guy, eating monkeys foot, sick baby snuggles (he had a cold)/

Poor kitty

Sippy cup:

More food, trying to fed himself:

Playtime on the floor:

Trying to get his feet during bath time, new jammies after bath time:

Loves books, spitting (trying to blow raspberries), cute face, sucking his thumb in the bath:

Sitting in the cart, first time on my back in the ergo while I made baby food since the stinker refused to nap! Cute "eligible bachelor", his new swim suit for the beach this summer!

Naked baby after bath and sucking on his toes in the bath:

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5 months

Posting a little late but Jackson is 5 months old! Wow, I can't believe I have a 5 month old son!

He's changing so much every day it seems and becoming more like a little boy and less like a little baby. His personality is starting to show thru more and it's so fun.

He's great at grabbing things now. He'll use both hands and pull whatever he's grabbing straight into his mouth. He also loves to grab our faces. And the cats and dogs! If I'm eating or drinking something he tries (and usually succeeds) at grabbing that too. When I'm drinking water out of a water bottle or cup and he shows interest I let him try to drink out of it.

He loves to be part of the action and up right. Sitting or standing, with help of course, and likes all attention on him.

We make funny noises at him and he laughs. It's so adorable. And he just started trying to squeal, but it isn't too loud because he's hours from his cold. He makes the funniest noises and his newest thing is to talk, more like moan, when he's eating. He does it with a bottle and with boob. He also now is starting to do a whiny fake/forced cry when he's mad. And he can turn it on and off so fast.

He's great at rolling onto his side but has still only completely rolled over by accident. We're working on it and he's getting much better at playing on the floor and tummy time. He can really lift himself up when he's on his tummy.

He's doing great with solids and loves apple, pears, yams, prunes, avacado, banana (gerber only- not mashed fresh), and carrots, he's not much of a fan of sweet potato or peas. And peaches were ok. I got green beans and squash to try so we'll see how that goes. He also had strawberry yogurt (gerber) this morning and he liked it ok. I've recently started giving him a little food in the morning as well as what we've been giving him in the evenings.

He's sort of starting to reach/lean towards or away from people when they try to take him. I'm CA Josh's dad sort of reached for him to hold him and he completely turned towards me and grabbed onto me. Sometimes when my mom reaches for him he will lean into me like he doesn't want her and other times he will lean towards her and sort of reach his arms towards her. He'll do the same thing with me. He's also starting to notice and sometimes fuss a little when I leave the room.

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We're in trouble now

We've been working on getting Jackson to roll over. He's done it a few times by accident and didn't realize what he did. Well today I put him down for a nap on his tummy in his crib and I was making baby food in the kitchen. He wasn't going to sleep but I knew he was way over tired and hoped he'd fuss himself to sleep. The video on the monitor times out and goes dark after a little while to save the battery and I periodically pushed the screen button to see what he was doing. Well he started doing more talking then fussing and I looked and he was on his back playing with his blanket! That little stinker! So I went in there and he gave me the biggest smile when I went in there, he was so proud of himself. He refused to nap today. From 10:30 am until he went to bed at 7:30 he took 2 20 minute naps. Hopefully he sleeps well tonight! We played on his bedroom floor and he rolled over a few more times.

Today we met Amanda and Chloe at Zupas for lunch. It was really fun to get together for a lunch play date with her! It was the first time I've gotten together with someone with a baby! I really need to make more friends with little ones here! Hopefully her and I will get together for play dates often! I want to try to get together with Natalie and Boston too! It's great to be a stay at home mom and really feel like a stay at home mom! Having a play date and then coming home and cleaning/doing laundry/making baby food/taking care of baby and making dinner for my hubby! I love my life right now!

Jackson has been in bed for a little over and hour and already got his hand out (he's swaddled), I went in and fixed it and he got it out again. So I left him like that. His little hand is just sticking out and he was sucking on his fingers and rubbing his eyes. He fell back to sleep so I left him like that. We'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll start trying to transition him out of being swaddled?

On a side note I went to the gym this morning! And I plan on going again tomorrow morning! Hoping to go every morning, or at least aim for 5+ mornings a week!

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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Weight watchers

Since having J my weight hasn't budged. I haven't exactly been eating the healthiest or working so I can't be surprised, but I guess I was kinda hoping that breast feeding would help the pounds fall off. Not so much. So I signed up for weight watchers! They have an option you can choose if your breast feeding so it takes that into account when it gives you your points. I technically started this past Monday but was sort of half ass about it this week. I did ok, but not great. One of my biggest issues is my current love of Ben and Jerry's coffee health bar crunch...mmmm...but I eat the whole thing. So bad. I kept telling myself I'll only have a little, I'll make it last 3 nights...well that didn't happen. So now I've decided that every 10 pounds I loss I can treat myself to it. Hopefully looking forward to that will help me make better choices and eat healthier.

I weigh in on Fridays. I started at 212 and yesterday I was 211. My goal is to lose 2-3 lbs a week from now until the end of June when I go to carpenteria for vacation. I want to be a hot momma! Right now I'm craving sweets so bad, but I know that those cravings will go away (or at least lessen) as days go by and I'm eating healthier! Now I just need to start working out! I started a plank challenge today. Starts with 20 seconds and goes up every few days. I want to try to at least do that and some squats and upper body weights a few times a week.