Monday, March 30, 2015

Month 2, take 2

So I'm just going to go ahead and call April month 2. The past few weeks have been crappy and I fell off track so many times so this will be take 2 of month 2. Technically April doesn't start until Wednesday but I'm getting ahead start I guess. Starting today my goal for the month of April is to stick to nutrisystem 90% of the time and get in good workouts AT LEAST 3 days a week. I'm also going to hopefully start seeing my sis-in-law once a week for training. She's amazing and in awesome shape. Fitness, exercise and nutrition are things she's very passionate about and I'm hoping for not only awesome effective training from her and help figuring out what to do to lose weight (as far as working out goes) but also motivation and accountability. I need someone cheering me on and holding me accountable. It's not as easy to slip up when you know you'll have to confess it someone and they'll be disappointed in you.

I haven't weighed myself, I might weigh myself sometime this week or I might wait until the end of the week, I haven't decided yet.

I also bought a pre-workout drink, NLA raspberry lemonade uplift for her, to try. I've been using those water flavoring packets that have caffeine to try to get more energy for my workouts but I heard about this from someone on YouTube and decided to try it. Hopefully it'll help me have better workouts!

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Monday, March 23, 2015

NS month 2, week 1

Hoping I can do a lot better this week to make up for the last few weeks!

Day 1 :

*the pizza melt was really good! I'll definitely be ordering that again!
*the margherita pizza I had for dinner was really good too! I didn't think I was going to like it because of the tomatoes but they weren't overwhelming and I actually really liked it!

I still snacked more then I should BUT I kept it under control and kept track instead of just mindlessly eating.

Workout : I walked with Katharine this morning, about 2 miles and then in the afternoon when J was with his dad I went to the gym and did an hour on the elliptical.

Day 2 : we're just going to pretend like this day didn't even was a bad bad bad day. First day of my "lady time" (heard that from someone I watch on you tube and its to funny not to use). Two fussy babies. My baby teething with a yucky cold...ended with wine...Reese's peanut butter eggs...habit burger...pirate booty...I got ice cream too but only ate like 3 bites so I guess that's a victory for me. No workout, but J was miserable and I wasn't about to drag him out of the house and expect him to sit happily in the stroller while I walked.

Day 3 : let's do this!!!

So I pretty much failed the rest of the week. I did go to the gym on Wednesday and Friday but my eating was horrible. I'm not going to dwell on it and just move forward from here.

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Nutrisystem Month 1

I finished my first 4 weeks on NS and I'm pretty happy with the results considering that the past 2 weeks have been pretty bad. I completely fell of the wagon and ate crap. I didn't work out as much as I wanted to and wasn't as active as I had planned on being. I drank more wine then I should of in the past 2 weeks and ate cookies and candy and indulged in foods that I know I shouldn't have. I was convinced that I gained back the 5-6 pounds I lost in the first 2 weeks plus some so I've been avoiding the scale for 2 weeks. So I was happily surprised when I stepped on the scale this morning and I had only gained back 1.2 pounds! I'm 225.6! I'm not happy with that in one sense because it was my first month in the diet and I know I could have done much better and be closer then this to my goal, BUT with everything that happened this month I need to look at the bigger picture and a loss is a loss and it's time to move on to month 2 and do better, try harder.

So here's to a good loss in month 2! My goal for this week is to lose 5 pounds. I really think that after the past 2 weeks of I focus, stay on track, and get in a lot of activity I can do that! I would love to get below the 220's and if that happens this week great, if not hopefully be the end of next week I can be under 220!

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Friday, March 20, 2015

First sentence!

Over the past few weeks/months jackson has gotten really good at communicating. It's like something clicked and he realized he could communicate with us! He started using signs more often and shaking his head no. He also started taking my hand (or anyone's really) to show us what he wants. Like he'd take my hand and pull me to the door if he wants to go outside, or even when he's eating and needs help getting food into his fork he'll take my hand and put it on his fork. He's been good at responding with a sign for awhile like if I ask him if he's hungry he does the sign for eat, but just recently he started using he signs with out being prompted. Like the other day his dad dropped him off and as soon as I walked into the house holding him he looked at the kitchen then at me and did the sign for eat. I asked him if he was hungry and he nodded yes, which is also a new thing! He can answer yes or no by nodding or shaking his head! When I ask him a question I'm encouraging him tell me yes or no instead of just whining. Like I'll say "do you want gummies?" And he will usually start to whine so I look at him and say "jackson, say yes please momma" and he will nod his head. Right now I'm focusing on getting him to respond yes or no and later we'll work on adding please. Although he often will say please along with the nod because he's known the sign for please longer then nodding yes.

He still doesn't talk a whole lot, he babbles and says a few words consistently. He knows quite a few animal sounds and there are words he can say but doesn't say regularly. He now says momma all the time. And his current favorite word is go. He can say ball, blue, choo choo, moo, baa, growl like a bear, quack like a duck, sometimes he'll meow and bark. It's like if he knows I want him to say something he won't. This morning he said his first sentence!!! He said "go choo choo" that counts right!? He's learning to put words together and that's the next language milestone I think!

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Monday, March 16, 2015

Big Boy Bed

After Jackson's fall out of his crib I decided to get him a toddler bed. I knew it wasn't likely that he'd try, or even he able to, climb out with the cast and I made sure to watch him carefully on the monitor for 2 nights to get to Saturday and then we went out shopping for a big boy bed! We looked at ikea and I didn't like any of the beds. There were some cute ones but not exactly what I was looking for. I wanted it to fit his crib mattress so I didn't have to get a new mattress and I wanted it to have little rails on the side. We ended up finding one at Target. We came home and he napped in his crib for the last time and after his nap I put his bed together! Here he is checking it out for the first time:
He climbed right up and knew what to do!

Laid down and snuggled right in, he was tired and kinda out of it and had a little fever so I know he want felling well:

Which is probably why he just wanted to lay there:

He went down ok and got out of bed walked over to the nightstand and got the extra (3rd since he already sleeps with 2!) bink and got right back into bed and layed down. He got in and out of bed like 5 more times in a row. Just got up, walked across the room and got back into bed. He fell asleep and then woke up and kinda fell out of bed so I went up and put him back into his bed and made sure he had his binks and he laid there awake for over an hour. I was trying to wait until he was asleep to go up there to take out my contacts and wash my face but my eyes hurt so I went up and say by him for a few minutes and rubbed his head. I thought he was going to go to sleep so I went and into the bathroom and did what I needed to and he was still awake. I sat by his bed a little longer and rubbed his head and back. I finally left the room and went back downstairs. He stayed awake awhile longer before finally falling asleep. He woke up a few times during the night and got out of bed and I just went and helped him lay back down and he'd go right back to sleep. He slept until about 7 (he's been sleeping until 8 recently).
First night in his bed:

When he woke up in the morning he was really upset. I think he was confused about not being in his crib and he started crying. I brought him into my bed and let him watch cartoons and snuggle with me!

The next night was better, he went to bed pretty easily but still got up a few times and woke up a few times throughout the night. He woke up at one point pretty early in the night and he sat up and was crying so I went in there and he tried to lay him back down and he sat up and was sort of reaching for the gray blanket that's on him. It was rolled up and against the wall in case he rolled into the wall he couldn't grab it because it was on the side of his cast so I said "do you want your gray blankie?" And he nodded and I told him ok you can have it, lay down. He laid down and I put the blanket on him and he fell right back to sleep. He's so silly! He still had it on him when I went to bed so I snapped a quick pic!

The next morning he woke up at 6am! So I went and told him it's still night night time and he needed to lay back down and go to sleep. He did and slept until 7 and then got up and went to the gate and started crying for me.

Last night he was so tired! He pretty much closed his eyes as soon as he laid his head down. A little while later I looked at the monitor and he was moving around and the bottom half of his body fell out of the bed, he was so tired that instead of climbing back into bed he fell right back to sleep like that!

I put him back into bed and he didn't even wake up!

He woke up a few times, but each night it's less, and slept until 8am! Yay!

He hasn't been napping very well tho. He's napping for maybe an hour at the most. I would really love for him to nap for 2-3 hours but usually it's only 1 1/2-2, but since he's been in his bed it's about an hour. Hopefully he'll start napping a little longer as time goes on!

Each night it gets better and it's gone so much better then I was expecting! He's becoming such a big boy! I love it and hate it at the same time!

Nutrisystem day 5

Today for breakfast I had a blueberry muffin. I don't really like blueberries but it was good. All the muffins I've had so far haven't been dry, they've been good! I had my energizing shake for morning snack, veggies and a chocolate peanut butter bar for lunch which was really good, tasted more like dessert then lunch so no complaints there! For dinner I had

This morning J had his kid co class so I didn't walk this morning and I didn't do a workout video either but after my ex picked J up I put the baby (I'll have to figure out something to call him, his name also starts with a J so I can't call him that!) into the stroller and walked around our buildings twice and got the mail. It was just a short 15 minute walk, but better then nothing. Our area isn't really a great place to walk or I would have gotten in a better walk. Goal (one of them) for when we move (our lease is up in September and we want to try to find a small 3 bedroom house to rent) is to be in a better neighborhood where we can just walk out the front door and go on a good walk! A park within walking distance would be a major bonus too!

Usually J goes to his dad's Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, which are also the days I babysit, when we first separated we did it that way because I was also watching another families kids weekday afternoon from 2-6 (but usually later) and it was easier for him to be with his dad those days. Now that I don't watch them and he's older and actually plays and enjoys the other boy I watch I started thinking it would be better to have him go to his dad's on Mondays and Wednesday's because then 1. The boys can play together and we can go to the park and stuff like that in the afternoons and 2. I get some me time! I talked to my x about it today and he said that was fine and agrees it's better for the boys to be able to play together. So now I'll be able to go to the gym on those days (unless I end up having the baby I watch, which happens occasionally). Right now every other Saturday is really the only time I'm childless since the rest of the time I have my son, the baby I watch, or both! So it'll be so nice to have 2 afternoons a week to myself, I know I'll miss my son, but I will enjoy that time and I know I need it!

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NS week 4

Week 4 on Nutrisystem or what I'm referring to as week 3 redo since last week was a total bust. I didn't even weigh myself today because honestly I'm terrified of seeing the number on the scale. I'm sure I gained back some of the weight I lost so far so I feel better with the idea of working REALLY hard this week and seeing the number at the end of this week. This week I'm going to just post pics from my fitness pal for what I ate and I'll add * for new things or comments I have about the food!

Day 1:

Yes please!!!!! -

*the turkey sausage and egg breakfast muffin was REALLY good! Already glad I upgraded to the next plan up the includes frozen foods! So yummy!

*the Chicken Enchilada Dinner was also really good! Very filling and satisfying!

Day 2 :

*I don't like the sugar and fat free creamer, it just has a weird taste so I'm trying to mix a tablespoon of the creamer I like with some of the that one. Maybe I can get down to 1 tablespoon of each or something. I liked the mixes you put into water that have caffeine but I really love my coffee and was missing it!
*the frozen pancakes were good! I used reduced calorie syrup and a teeny tiny bit of butter.
*the frozen burger was good! I think I cooked it a little to long because the bun got a little hard. I only used 1/4 slice of cheese and a little mustard and I even measured out my ketchup because I love ketchup and know I use more then I think I do!

I completely gave in at the end of the day had wine and snacks. Bad bad bad. But tomorrow is another day.

Day 3:

*the pizza was really good! It was a frozen one!

Workout : I went to the gym in the morning since J's dad is taking him tomorrow afternoon instead of today because he had a work meeting. It's easier to take J in the morning because our mornings are more predictable then our afternoons. He did ok in the childcare. He was fine when I dropped him off but a few minutes later he realized I was gone and freaked out. He cried and tried to get out the door whenever someone went in or out and wouldn't let the girls hold him (they have a camera in there and I can watch on the elliptical so I just kept it on that channel and watched sons of anarchy on my phone). He didn't cry for long but then he found another door (to a bathroom) and kept trying to get out. Then just stood there for awhile watching the other kids. My sis in law was teaching a class so when she was done she went in and he let her hold him and she showed him some toys and then after she left he started warming up and playing. That was like 30 minutes into my workout. I did an hour on the elliptical and when I went and got him he was happy and playing. I'm taking him again Friday morning so hopefully he'll do well!

I really need to stop eating junk. The more candy and junk food I eat the more I crave it and give in. I just need to stop!

Day 4:

*the frozen cinnamon bun was so good! Bigger and better then the non frozen ones!
*the steak and cheese melt was pretty good. Not amazing to me because it wasn't something I would normally try but it was pretty good!

Those damn honey mustard pretzels! I'm throwing them away tonight so I don't give in and eat them at the end of the day when I'm watching tv!

Workout : we went for a walk this morning and I walked for a little over an hour and almost 4 miles (3.94). It was longer then I had intended but we walked somewhere new and I might have sorta gotten lost.

Day 5:

*the frozen waffles were really good! I'm not a big breakfast person and much prefer lunch and dinner foods (I can vividly remember eating spaghetti for breakfast when I was pregnant and it was so good). Anyways...I don't think I've eaten waffles for breakfast. I give j a waffle for breakfast sometimes but it's never something that sounded appealing to me for breakfast but I would totally eat these often! I got them just to try them and actually took them off my next order (before trying them) thinking I'd rather have the breakfast sandwiches, but now I think I'll add some back on! They are that good!

I started day 5 off well but by the end of the night I fell off track again. I had some wine which let to snacking. And the rest of the week I was pretty bad. Although Friday night I almost got something unhealthy to eat on the way home from my nieces talent show at her school, but instead I came home and ate a NS dinner, but after that I gave in and had some wine and that lead to snacking....I wasn't completely horrible but I didn't eat well and I didn't workout, although I did get like 47 active minutes yesterday from cleaning the houses. I really need to get back on track and stay in track. Nothing's going to change if I keep doing the same thing. I didn't weigh myself this morning. But it's time to face reality and see if I gained back the weight I lost in the first few weeks (I'm sure I have gained it back :( ) and move on from there. It's a new month and I really need to stay focused and stay on track. Only 16 weeks until our little beach vacation and I want to enjoy it and not be worried about how fat I am and feel horrible about myself. I know 16 weeks isn't long enough to get to where I want to be, but if I work hard I think I could make a big difference in the way I look and feel by then I just need to put in the hard work!

NS Week 3

I'm going to just put what I ate each day unless it's something new then I'll comment on if it was good or not.

Day 1: breakfast - Sweetened O's cereal. This time I just ate it dry and didn't add milk. Not very good, won't order it again. I had a pomegranate lemonade energy packet in water with breakfast. AM snack - energizing shake. Lunch - veggies and chicken Parmesan pasta. PM snack - none, I forgot to have it. Dinner - asparagus and ravioli with basil tomato sauce. I didn't think it was very good, not bad, but I didn't really like it and wouldn't order it again. BUT I am not a very big ravioli fan so I wasn't really surprised. For dessert I had the oatmeal chocolate chunk cookie, it was pretty good!

Workout : walked at Bridgeport, 1.73 miles about 30 minutes.

Day 2 : Breakfast - honey wheat bagel with lite cream cheese and energy drink mix packet mixed with water. Lunch - half Caesar salad at Panera with sierra mist to drink (I had planned on getting water but I got a soda instead, lots of ice, no refill. It was good but still a total waste of calories! But I guess since I skipped my AM snack it kinda made up for those calories). I'm proud of myself though for making a good and healthy choice going out to lunch! Usually I would have gotten the u pick 2 and gotten 1/2 turkey panini sandwich and broccoli cheese soup with bread as the side. I got an apple as my side and let J eat it. It was a small portion but good and filling enough for me! Yay! PM snack - on the way to the gym I had my energizing shake. Dinner - asparagus and lasagna with meat sauce. I put a little shredded Parmesan cheese on top and it was pretty good!

For dessert I had the toffee crunch cookies and they were really good!

Workout : gym - I did 1 hour (+5 min cool down) on the elliptical, 4.94 miles! Then I did 2 arm weight machines. It was a good workout!

This was today's fitness pal prediction when I finished my log:

Day 3 :
Breakfast - double chocolate chip muffin, yummy! Then I had my energizing shake on the way to Bridgeport to walk.
Lunch - I had the Kung pao noodles and I added 1 cup of bell peppers and onions (I bought the bag of froze. grilled peppers and onions from trader joes and juts heated them up in a skillet then added them to the noodles after I cooked them)! It was good! Not my favorite but really good and better with the peppers and onions!

I had my craving crusher shake for PM snack. For dinner I had veggies with the bbq seasoned chicken. It's bbq shredded chicken and I put it on a sandwich thin with a tiny bit of shredded cheese and a little ketchup. It was really good! I'll definitely make that a regular! For dessert I had the popcorn. It was good but I like the white cheddar popcorn better!

Workout - I walked bridgeport twice with both boys in the stroller with katharine. It was 3.35 miles in an hour and 3 minutes.

Today's my fitness pal prediction:
Day 4:
I weighed myself this morning and I've lost a pound! I weighed 224.4 this morning! So hoping for another pound or 2 (or 3 :)) by Sunday! I'm motivated to see that it's going in the right direction! I really think being more active this week is helping!
Breakfast - I had the sweetened O's, I just ate them dry without milk. I changed things up and had the craving crusher shake this morning and I'll have the energizing shake on my way to the gym!
Lunch - I had the loaded baked potato with veggies.
Dinner - the thick crust pizza with veggies.
I was really bad and had a really weak moment. I went to Walmart after I went to the gym to get a few things and I saw the display of the 6 pack packages of the Reece's eggs, which I LOVE. I don't know what it is about them but they are so good! Better then regular peanut butter cups. Anyways I saw them when I walked in and thought mmmmm but kept on walking well after searching all over for lemon juice and not being able to find I finally found it and I was kinda annoyed and in a hurry and hungry and I passed another display and tossed a package into the cart...and ate 3 of them on the way home. So bad, but so good. And it didn't completely ruin things because I had a lot of activity today, but I'm still disappointed in myself. But I didn't let it ruin my day. I came home ate my dinner and moved on. Normally I would completely fall of track and think "well I already ruined it for today so I'm going to have some wine and something good for dinner! I'll be back on it tomorrow". And then tomorrow would end up being "I'll start again Monday and just enjoy the rest of the week".
Dessert -

Workout : I walked 3.2 miles in just under an hour at bridgeport with J in the stroller this morning and I went to the gym and did 45 minutes on the elliptical.

The rest of the week:
On Thursday morning (day 5) J tried to climb out of his crib and fell and broke his arm. You can read the "broken arm" post to read all the details but it totally derailed my eating. I didn't do to bad on Thursday, I ate some candy and missed lunch. I drank wine. It was bad but not too horrible. Well friday was bad. I got sushi for lunch and ate most of a frozen pizza for dinner, along with more wine. Today was better until dinner when my mom decided to go get habit burger and I gave in and her get me a burger and sweet potato fries. It was so yummy but so bad. Tomorrow we are going to lunch for my aunts birthday and I'm going to try to be good and get a salad. Then monday I am back on track and focusing on my eating AND being active everyday. I'm going to try to walk every morning and go to the gym when J is with his dad. I'm not going to weigh myself tomorrow and I'm going to try not to weigh myself until the end of this next week.

The broken arm

I went to get the baby I watch and take his older sister to school. I leave the monitor with my mom since I leave at 6:10 am and J is still asleep. I drop her off at school at 7:30 and get home about 5 minutes later. I put the baby down in the living room and went up stairs to see if J was awake (if he wakes up before I get home my mom turns on a cartoon for him and he watches it laying on her bed while she gets ready for work) well he was laying on her bed and he had been crying and was still a little upset. She told me that he fell out of his crib! She was getting ready and heard him screaming and ran into my room and he was laying on the floor screaming. He calmed down and nothing looked hurt right of the bat, except she thought he may have hurt his arm. Well I took him downstairs and laid him on the couch and got him his sippy cup of milk and I could just tell something wasn't right with his arm. He was trying to use it to lift up his sippy cup but couldn't use it. He could move it but would cry when he did and it just wasn't moving the way it normally does so I called her to come down and I said I think he hurt his arm, and I got upset thinking what if it's broken?! He's obviously hurt! Well we live right next door to a fire station so she ran over to see if a fireman could come check him, thinking just one would come over and see and tell us if he thought we should go to the hospital...well a bunch of them came over, fire truck, paramedics and ambulance (ambulance station is right across the street). It was way overkill! But oh well he's my baby! So we went in the ambulance to the hospital and my mom stayed with the baby I watch. His mom works at the hospital (she's a surgical nurse) so she came down and saw us to check on us. They did X-rays and sure enough he has a buckle fracture on the ulna of his right arm. They put a splint on it and told me to follow up with an orthopedic doctor. The baby I watch's mom got a few names of orthopedics for me to call so I came home and fed the boys lunch and put them down for naps and then called, well the first one didn't take kids this young and the next one said they could see us if we got there before 2pm. It was 1:20 and the office was across town. I threw sippy cups and snacks onto the diaper bag and got the boys straight out of their beds and into the car and headed straight over there. We waited awhile and then got called back, they took the splint off and the dr came in and showed me the X-ray and were the fracture was and told me he needed a cast! Poor baby. In 3 weeks we'll go back and they will take the cast off and X-ray it, if it's healed then we're good to go and if not they will put on a new cast. Hopefully it's all better when we go back. He was such a trooper and such a good boy!
In the ambulance:

His splinted arm in the ambulance:

At the hospital:

After getting a splint at the hospital:

He was intrigued with it at first, rubbing his head with it, and rubbing the doctors head, and hitting it in things:

Eating 1 handed:

And drinking:

Getting his cast. He was so brave and so good. Didn't cry at all:

And happy to be back home after a long day:

For the most part he doesn't really seem to notice the cast, but sometimes he'll try to pick something up, move a certain way, or do something he usually does and he's not able to because of the cast. When I took him upstairs to put him to bed and I was changing him into his pj's I could tell he was getting annoyed with the cast and wanting it off. He was shaking his arm at me and whining and picking at the cast like he was trying to get it off and looking at me like "help me momma" poor boy. And after I put him to bed a moved around and woke up a few times trying to get comfortable. He moves all over throughout the night and while he does sometimes sleep on his back he prefers his tummy and when he tried to roll over onto his tummy he got upset because he couldn't figure out how to lay comfortably that way. Poor sweet boy.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

NS weigh in #2

I weighed myself yesterday and wasn't very happy about the number on the plan was to be really good and eat well and workout yesterday and then weigh myself again this morning for my actual weigh in...but I didn't. I started off the day good but it quickly went bad. I had a bar for breakfast and lunch and then made a bad choice to have left over pizza (red Barron frozen pizza I had made the night before for the girl I babysit, older sister of the baby I watch). I ate that and had wine. It could have been a lot worse (there are cookies I avoided!) but I was just feeling so defeated and crappy about not losing the weight I thought I would this week.

So here's the number ... 225.4 ... A gain of 0.4 pounds ... Not horrible, BUT the scale is going in the wrong direction so it's very discouraging. This past week I felt like I was going really well, I was eating well, following the diet, even got in 2 really good workouts at the gym that I felt great about...but I've realized that those 2 great workout days can't make up for the days that I am much less active so I need to make a major effort to be more active on the days that I can't go to the gym (the days I babysit).

So the plan for this week :
1. Stick to the diet 100%! I am having lunch with my dad tomorrow, whom I never see, and I'm going to look at the menu before we go and get a healthy low cal salad!
2. Be more active. Take the boys for walks on the days I babysit and go to the gym on the days that I can.
3. I'm going to up the step goal on my fitbit from 12,000 (up from the original 10,000 already) to 15,000!
4. Take my measurements so I can at least see if I'm losing inches (something I had wished I had done when I started!).

I'm really hoping that this will get me some results this week. I really need to see the number in the scale go down. It's really unmotivating to feel like your doing well and trying hard and have the scale not reflex that effort. I just need to trust the process and trust that it will happen.

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Sunday, March 1, 2015

NS week 2

Day 1 : I had the apple strudel bar for breakfast and it was really good! I had it with a cup of coffee with 2 tablespoons of fat free sugar free creamer, which counts as 2 extras (I get 3 a day). Today I knew was going to be a cheat day, the only one I'm allowing myself to have for these first 28 days on Nutrisystem. We went to Olive Garden for my sisters birthday. I did have a few Samoa Girl Scout cookies earlier in the day and 2 Reese's eggs. Then at Olive Garden for lunch/dinner I had 1 breadstick, salad, and tri colored penne vegetable pasta with 3 (or 5 I forget) cheese marina and fritta chicken. My mom, j, and I also shared white chocolate raspberry cheesecake and I had a glass of wine! I will probably have another glass of wine or drink after I put J to bed tonight and then tomorrow I'm back at it AND going to the gym! Here's to the next 3 weeks!

Day 2: I had coffee with 2 tablespoons of fat free sugar free creamer and the donut. I decided to try the breakfast foods I haven't tried first to see what I do and don't like so I can change next months order before it ships and make sure I get stuff I liked! I was a little apprehensive about the donut, I mean seriously how good can a diet donut be right?! But it was pretty good! The texture was a little weird to me though, it was sorta like a muffin in a donut shape, kinda spongy texture.

For lunch I had the homestyle chicken and it was really good! It seemed kinda like chicken noodle soup. I didn't have veggies with it today because I need to go to the store and get veggies and cook them! I meant to go yesterday but didn't make it to the store. So maybe I'll have a salad and veggies with my dinner so I can get in my 4 veggie servings!

I had my craving crusher shake on the way to the gym this afternoon and did 1 hour on the elliptical! Then I walked over to sprouts (which is on the same parking lot as the gym) to get some groceries. They didn't have everything I needed so I also ran into whole foods and Walmart in the way home. I hit my step goal of 12,000 steps after I left the gym and then I went to look at the app on my phone and it said "syncing" and then only said 7,000 something steps, I checked the display on my fitbit and it said the same thing! It did this last time I went to the gym and it makes me so mad! It completely erased like 5,000 steps! So annoying!

For dinner I had a salad (spring and spinach mix with light honey mustard dressing) and the Mac and cheese with beef. It was really good! I will definitely order it again! It's something I'll look forward to eating!

For dessert I had pizza puffs and they were so good! And the highlight was seeing this when I completed today's myfitness pal entry!

This definitely motivates me to workout more!!!

Day 3 :
For breakfast I had the sweetened O's with fat free milk. The first few bites were good but once the milk soaked in they were pretty gross...but I don't like milk so that's probably why. I wouldn't order them again. I had coffee with some creamer. I had my energizing shake for morning snack. I cooked a whole big bag of veggies so I have veggies for the week, so I had 1 cup (2 servings) for lunch with the chicken Parmesan pasta. I followed the directions and it still looked like soup so I re heated it and covered it and let it sit for a few minutes and that let the sauce soak into the pasta more and it was really good! I had my craving crusher shake for my afternoon snack. For dinner I had the hickory smoked flavored beef patty and it was SO good! I was really surprised! I used a whole wheat sandwich thin and I put half a piece of reduced fat cheddar cheese, I put a little mustard on it and dipped it in a little ketchup! I had it with my veggies. For dessert I had the white chocolate chunk cookies, they were really good!

Day 4:
I had water with pomegranate lemonade energy drink mix (less calories and tastes better then the fat and sugar free coffee creamer!) with the honey wheat bagel with s little lite cream cheese and 1 cup of strawberries! The bagel was really good!

For lunch I had a small bag (3oz) of baby cut carrots with the cheese tortellini. It was really good! Very tasty!

I had my craving crusher on the way to the gym and I had an awesome work out! I got on the elliptical and was planning on doing an hour but about 35 minutes into my workout I saw my sister in law, who teaches classes at the gym, and thought "hey, why not take her class?!" I had no idea what class it was but I'm know that if I keep doing what I've been doing I'm not going to get results. Going to the gym and on the elliptical is great, it's better then what I've been doing (which is pretty much nothing) BUT stepping out of my comfort zone, trying new things, and pushing myself will get me better results. I'm terrified of group classes especially when my sister in law who is in amazing shape is teaching it! But I know that pushing myself and really working my body and muscles is what's going to get me the best results. With this Nutrisystem I know my diet is on point and if I follow it I will lose weight, but my workouts will give me a push, help me lose more weight, gain more muscle and get me the results that I want faster then Nutrisystem alone! It was a barrevite class (like cardio barre) and I loved it! I majorly struggled but I did pretty good and it felt great! I'm SO proud of myself and I'm hoping to be able to go every Wednesday! And I'm ready super sore...I'm going to be hurting so good tomorrow!

I had dinner when I got home and I had my veggies with the sloppy joe on a sandwich thin. It was really good! Then I took a quick shower before bathing J and putting him to bed and I had my dessert of white cheddar popcorn while catching up on shows (last weeks Nashville and hart of Dixie! Both were so good!) and the popcorn was SO good and it seemed like there was a lot of it in the bag! Perfect for tv watching! Yum! And I've been really tempted all week to weigh myself this morning and I was so torn...I really wanted to try to wait until Saturday to weigh myself and try to stick to once a week so I'm glad because I didn't weigh myself! I was tired and J was fussing and the lady whose kids I babysit called to see if I could watch him today so with all that happening at 7:30am I forgot and I'm glad I did! I babysit the next 2 days so I'll be up early and have to sneak out of the bedroom and won't be able to weigh myself until Saturday! Perfect! And I'm hoping to at least get in a good walk tomorrow and Friday because I know I won't make it to the gym. But I do plan on going to the gym on Saturday!

Day 5:
For breakfast today I had the cinnamon bun and strawberries. The cinnamon bun was really good! I definitely like the muffins and this cinnamon bun better then the bars and cereal I've had so far. I still have some bars and cereal to eat, but I probably will stick to the muffins and cinnamon buns for future orders! I did decide to upgrade my plan for my next order so I can get some of the frozen foods and I'm excited to try those next month! There's a breakfast sandwich I'm excited to try!

I had my energizing shake on the way to J's kid co class this morning and for lunch I had a bag of baby carrots and the three cheese chicken, I can't remember if I had this last week or not but its good! The sauce is kinda soupy but other then that it's yummy!

CONFESSION!! This morning was rough...both boys were fussy and clingy during J's class and then I needed to go to the store so that was fun. They were just handfuls this morning...can't expect a 12 and 18 month old to be perfect all the time right?! And I had a headache by the time we got home, I took some ibprofen gave then lunch and put them down for naps, had my lunch and was watching tv. The ibprofen hadn't kicked in yet and I gave in to temptation and ate samoas...I was going to have 2 but when I opened the box I saw that there were 5 left and I ate them...oh well...I added the calories into myfitness pal and I plan on getting my fitbit adjustment to at least that amount of extra calories to justify the cookies. It's not the end of the world and I know that everyday isn't going to be perfect and I just need to try to be better the rest of this week and I'll consider that my "cheat" for the week. I had previously said that I was going to let myself have a Samoa on the days I worked out or something like that but I haven't been doing that. Now I think I'll stick to one "cheat" a week. Either a meal out or a special treat, a starbucks coffee...whatever I'm really craving and really wanting and I will know that that's it for that week. It really makes me think "is this worth it? Is this what I really want or by eating this will I feel like I wasted my cheat?" I felt like the cookies were worth it this week! If I lose 4 or more pounds this week I will allow myself to have 1 sushi meal next week from my favorite place because I've been craving sushi and that will SO be worth it!

For dinner I had the Italian herb flatbread pizza, yummy again, with my veggies and now I'm watching last weeks greys anatomy and having my dessert, the cheese puffs. They are ok, but the pizza puffs were so much better. I'll stick to the pizza ones instead in the future!

Day 6:
For breakfast today I had a yoplait light strawberry yogurt and mixed the granola cereal in with it. It was pretty good but I definitely prefer the muffins and cinnamon bun! The yogurt counts as my smartcarb for the day.

For lunch I had the loaded baked potato and carrots. Last week when I had the loaded baked potato I wasn't a big fan of it but today but today instead of adding water and heating it up I did the other method and added already boiling water to it and covered it and let it sit and it was SO much better! I don't know why doing it that way made such a difference but it was really good when cooked that way! I had my shakes for snacks like usual and for dinner I had the grilled chicken fillet on a sandwich thin with a slice of reduced fat cheese and my veggies. For dessert I had the pizza puffs! So good!

Day 7:
I weighed myself this morning and it says I gained 0.4 (225.4). How is that even possible?! I fell so defeated right now. Aside from one meal and a few small slips (really only 1 with the Girl Scout cookies) I've done really well and stuck to the plan. Maybe it's because I lost 5.4 pounds last week? Maybe my body is just holding onto the weight? I'm going to be really good today and drink a lot of water (I'm usually really good about drinking a lot of water but I might not have had enough in the past few days) and weigh myself tomorrow and hope to be below 225. I won't record today's weight, I will wait and see what the scale says tomorrow and record that weight.

I was feeling really defeated the rest of the day. I had a peanut butter bar for breakfast and a double chocolate Carmel bar for lunch, which was good. And then for dinner I ended up eating pizza (red Barron frozen pizza that was left over from the night before, I had made it for the girl I babysit) and drinking wine. I was just so defeated and just feeling really crappy about not losing any weight this week. I could have eaten a lot more but I left it at that and moved on.

This next week I'm really going to step up my activity and absolutely have to take the boys for a good walk on the days I babysit and go to the gym on the days I don't babysit! I'm also going to stick to the program 100%. I'm really hoping if I do those 2 things the scale will reflect it in a week...I really need to see a lower number at the end of this week.