Monday, March 23, 2015

Nutrisystem Month 1

I finished my first 4 weeks on NS and I'm pretty happy with the results considering that the past 2 weeks have been pretty bad. I completely fell of the wagon and ate crap. I didn't work out as much as I wanted to and wasn't as active as I had planned on being. I drank more wine then I should of in the past 2 weeks and ate cookies and candy and indulged in foods that I know I shouldn't have. I was convinced that I gained back the 5-6 pounds I lost in the first 2 weeks plus some so I've been avoiding the scale for 2 weeks. So I was happily surprised when I stepped on the scale this morning and I had only gained back 1.2 pounds! I'm 225.6! I'm not happy with that in one sense because it was my first month in the diet and I know I could have done much better and be closer then this to my goal, BUT with everything that happened this month I need to look at the bigger picture and a loss is a loss and it's time to move on to month 2 and do better, try harder.

So here's to a good loss in month 2! My goal for this week is to lose 5 pounds. I really think that after the past 2 weeks of I focus, stay on track, and get in a lot of activity I can do that! I would love to get below the 220's and if that happens this week great, if not hopefully be the end of next week I can be under 220!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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