Monday, March 16, 2015

NS Week 3

I'm going to just put what I ate each day unless it's something new then I'll comment on if it was good or not.

Day 1: breakfast - Sweetened O's cereal. This time I just ate it dry and didn't add milk. Not very good, won't order it again. I had a pomegranate lemonade energy packet in water with breakfast. AM snack - energizing shake. Lunch - veggies and chicken Parmesan pasta. PM snack - none, I forgot to have it. Dinner - asparagus and ravioli with basil tomato sauce. I didn't think it was very good, not bad, but I didn't really like it and wouldn't order it again. BUT I am not a very big ravioli fan so I wasn't really surprised. For dessert I had the oatmeal chocolate chunk cookie, it was pretty good!

Workout : walked at Bridgeport, 1.73 miles about 30 minutes.

Day 2 : Breakfast - honey wheat bagel with lite cream cheese and energy drink mix packet mixed with water. Lunch - half Caesar salad at Panera with sierra mist to drink (I had planned on getting water but I got a soda instead, lots of ice, no refill. It was good but still a total waste of calories! But I guess since I skipped my AM snack it kinda made up for those calories). I'm proud of myself though for making a good and healthy choice going out to lunch! Usually I would have gotten the u pick 2 and gotten 1/2 turkey panini sandwich and broccoli cheese soup with bread as the side. I got an apple as my side and let J eat it. It was a small portion but good and filling enough for me! Yay! PM snack - on the way to the gym I had my energizing shake. Dinner - asparagus and lasagna with meat sauce. I put a little shredded Parmesan cheese on top and it was pretty good!

For dessert I had the toffee crunch cookies and they were really good!

Workout : gym - I did 1 hour (+5 min cool down) on the elliptical, 4.94 miles! Then I did 2 arm weight machines. It was a good workout!

This was today's fitness pal prediction when I finished my log:

Day 3 :
Breakfast - double chocolate chip muffin, yummy! Then I had my energizing shake on the way to Bridgeport to walk.
Lunch - I had the Kung pao noodles and I added 1 cup of bell peppers and onions (I bought the bag of froze. grilled peppers and onions from trader joes and juts heated them up in a skillet then added them to the noodles after I cooked them)! It was good! Not my favorite but really good and better with the peppers and onions!

I had my craving crusher shake for PM snack. For dinner I had veggies with the bbq seasoned chicken. It's bbq shredded chicken and I put it on a sandwich thin with a tiny bit of shredded cheese and a little ketchup. It was really good! I'll definitely make that a regular! For dessert I had the popcorn. It was good but I like the white cheddar popcorn better!

Workout - I walked bridgeport twice with both boys in the stroller with katharine. It was 3.35 miles in an hour and 3 minutes.

Today's my fitness pal prediction:
Day 4:
I weighed myself this morning and I've lost a pound! I weighed 224.4 this morning! So hoping for another pound or 2 (or 3 :)) by Sunday! I'm motivated to see that it's going in the right direction! I really think being more active this week is helping!
Breakfast - I had the sweetened O's, I just ate them dry without milk. I changed things up and had the craving crusher shake this morning and I'll have the energizing shake on my way to the gym!
Lunch - I had the loaded baked potato with veggies.
Dinner - the thick crust pizza with veggies.
I was really bad and had a really weak moment. I went to Walmart after I went to the gym to get a few things and I saw the display of the 6 pack packages of the Reece's eggs, which I LOVE. I don't know what it is about them but they are so good! Better then regular peanut butter cups. Anyways I saw them when I walked in and thought mmmmm but kept on walking well after searching all over for lemon juice and not being able to find I finally found it and I was kinda annoyed and in a hurry and hungry and I passed another display and tossed a package into the cart...and ate 3 of them on the way home. So bad, but so good. And it didn't completely ruin things because I had a lot of activity today, but I'm still disappointed in myself. But I didn't let it ruin my day. I came home ate my dinner and moved on. Normally I would completely fall of track and think "well I already ruined it for today so I'm going to have some wine and something good for dinner! I'll be back on it tomorrow". And then tomorrow would end up being "I'll start again Monday and just enjoy the rest of the week".
Dessert -

Workout : I walked 3.2 miles in just under an hour at bridgeport with J in the stroller this morning and I went to the gym and did 45 minutes on the elliptical.

The rest of the week:
On Thursday morning (day 5) J tried to climb out of his crib and fell and broke his arm. You can read the "broken arm" post to read all the details but it totally derailed my eating. I didn't do to bad on Thursday, I ate some candy and missed lunch. I drank wine. It was bad but not too horrible. Well friday was bad. I got sushi for lunch and ate most of a frozen pizza for dinner, along with more wine. Today was better until dinner when my mom decided to go get habit burger and I gave in and her get me a burger and sweet potato fries. It was so yummy but so bad. Tomorrow we are going to lunch for my aunts birthday and I'm going to try to be good and get a salad. Then monday I am back on track and focusing on my eating AND being active everyday. I'm going to try to walk every morning and go to the gym when J is with his dad. I'm not going to weigh myself tomorrow and I'm going to try not to weigh myself until the end of this next week.

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