Monday, March 16, 2015

Big Boy Bed

After Jackson's fall out of his crib I decided to get him a toddler bed. I knew it wasn't likely that he'd try, or even he able to, climb out with the cast and I made sure to watch him carefully on the monitor for 2 nights to get to Saturday and then we went out shopping for a big boy bed! We looked at ikea and I didn't like any of the beds. There were some cute ones but not exactly what I was looking for. I wanted it to fit his crib mattress so I didn't have to get a new mattress and I wanted it to have little rails on the side. We ended up finding one at Target. We came home and he napped in his crib for the last time and after his nap I put his bed together! Here he is checking it out for the first time:
He climbed right up and knew what to do!

Laid down and snuggled right in, he was tired and kinda out of it and had a little fever so I know he want felling well:

Which is probably why he just wanted to lay there:

He went down ok and got out of bed walked over to the nightstand and got the extra (3rd since he already sleeps with 2!) bink and got right back into bed and layed down. He got in and out of bed like 5 more times in a row. Just got up, walked across the room and got back into bed. He fell asleep and then woke up and kinda fell out of bed so I went up and put him back into his bed and made sure he had his binks and he laid there awake for over an hour. I was trying to wait until he was asleep to go up there to take out my contacts and wash my face but my eyes hurt so I went up and say by him for a few minutes and rubbed his head. I thought he was going to go to sleep so I went and into the bathroom and did what I needed to and he was still awake. I sat by his bed a little longer and rubbed his head and back. I finally left the room and went back downstairs. He stayed awake awhile longer before finally falling asleep. He woke up a few times during the night and got out of bed and I just went and helped him lay back down and he'd go right back to sleep. He slept until about 7 (he's been sleeping until 8 recently).
First night in his bed:

When he woke up in the morning he was really upset. I think he was confused about not being in his crib and he started crying. I brought him into my bed and let him watch cartoons and snuggle with me!

The next night was better, he went to bed pretty easily but still got up a few times and woke up a few times throughout the night. He woke up at one point pretty early in the night and he sat up and was crying so I went in there and he tried to lay him back down and he sat up and was sort of reaching for the gray blanket that's on him. It was rolled up and against the wall in case he rolled into the wall he couldn't grab it because it was on the side of his cast so I said "do you want your gray blankie?" And he nodded and I told him ok you can have it, lay down. He laid down and I put the blanket on him and he fell right back to sleep. He's so silly! He still had it on him when I went to bed so I snapped a quick pic!

The next morning he woke up at 6am! So I went and told him it's still night night time and he needed to lay back down and go to sleep. He did and slept until 7 and then got up and went to the gate and started crying for me.

Last night he was so tired! He pretty much closed his eyes as soon as he laid his head down. A little while later I looked at the monitor and he was moving around and the bottom half of his body fell out of the bed, he was so tired that instead of climbing back into bed he fell right back to sleep like that!

I put him back into bed and he didn't even wake up!

He woke up a few times, but each night it's less, and slept until 8am! Yay!

He hasn't been napping very well tho. He's napping for maybe an hour at the most. I would really love for him to nap for 2-3 hours but usually it's only 1 1/2-2, but since he's been in his bed it's about an hour. Hopefully he'll start napping a little longer as time goes on!

Each night it gets better and it's gone so much better then I was expecting! He's becoming such a big boy! I love it and hate it at the same time!

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