Sunday, March 8, 2015

NS weigh in #2

I weighed myself yesterday and wasn't very happy about the number on the plan was to be really good and eat well and workout yesterday and then weigh myself again this morning for my actual weigh in...but I didn't. I started off the day good but it quickly went bad. I had a bar for breakfast and lunch and then made a bad choice to have left over pizza (red Barron frozen pizza I had made the night before for the girl I babysit, older sister of the baby I watch). I ate that and had wine. It could have been a lot worse (there are cookies I avoided!) but I was just feeling so defeated and crappy about not losing the weight I thought I would this week.

So here's the number ... 225.4 ... A gain of 0.4 pounds ... Not horrible, BUT the scale is going in the wrong direction so it's very discouraging. This past week I felt like I was going really well, I was eating well, following the diet, even got in 2 really good workouts at the gym that I felt great about...but I've realized that those 2 great workout days can't make up for the days that I am much less active so I need to make a major effort to be more active on the days that I can't go to the gym (the days I babysit).

So the plan for this week :
1. Stick to the diet 100%! I am having lunch with my dad tomorrow, whom I never see, and I'm going to look at the menu before we go and get a healthy low cal salad!
2. Be more active. Take the boys for walks on the days I babysit and go to the gym on the days that I can.
3. I'm going to up the step goal on my fitbit from 12,000 (up from the original 10,000 already) to 15,000!
4. Take my measurements so I can at least see if I'm losing inches (something I had wished I had done when I started!).

I'm really hoping that this will get me some results this week. I really need to see the number in the scale go down. It's really unmotivating to feel like your doing well and trying hard and have the scale not reflex that effort. I just need to trust the process and trust that it will happen.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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