Friday, March 20, 2015

First sentence!

Over the past few weeks/months jackson has gotten really good at communicating. It's like something clicked and he realized he could communicate with us! He started using signs more often and shaking his head no. He also started taking my hand (or anyone's really) to show us what he wants. Like he'd take my hand and pull me to the door if he wants to go outside, or even when he's eating and needs help getting food into his fork he'll take my hand and put it on his fork. He's been good at responding with a sign for awhile like if I ask him if he's hungry he does the sign for eat, but just recently he started using he signs with out being prompted. Like the other day his dad dropped him off and as soon as I walked into the house holding him he looked at the kitchen then at me and did the sign for eat. I asked him if he was hungry and he nodded yes, which is also a new thing! He can answer yes or no by nodding or shaking his head! When I ask him a question I'm encouraging him tell me yes or no instead of just whining. Like I'll say "do you want gummies?" And he will usually start to whine so I look at him and say "jackson, say yes please momma" and he will nod his head. Right now I'm focusing on getting him to respond yes or no and later we'll work on adding please. Although he often will say please along with the nod because he's known the sign for please longer then nodding yes.

He still doesn't talk a whole lot, he babbles and says a few words consistently. He knows quite a few animal sounds and there are words he can say but doesn't say regularly. He now says momma all the time. And his current favorite word is go. He can say ball, blue, choo choo, moo, baa, growl like a bear, quack like a duck, sometimes he'll meow and bark. It's like if he knows I want him to say something he won't. This morning he said his first sentence!!! He said "go choo choo" that counts right!? He's learning to put words together and that's the next language milestone I think!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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