Monday, March 16, 2015

The broken arm

I went to get the baby I watch and take his older sister to school. I leave the monitor with my mom since I leave at 6:10 am and J is still asleep. I drop her off at school at 7:30 and get home about 5 minutes later. I put the baby down in the living room and went up stairs to see if J was awake (if he wakes up before I get home my mom turns on a cartoon for him and he watches it laying on her bed while she gets ready for work) well he was laying on her bed and he had been crying and was still a little upset. She told me that he fell out of his crib! She was getting ready and heard him screaming and ran into my room and he was laying on the floor screaming. He calmed down and nothing looked hurt right of the bat, except she thought he may have hurt his arm. Well I took him downstairs and laid him on the couch and got him his sippy cup of milk and I could just tell something wasn't right with his arm. He was trying to use it to lift up his sippy cup but couldn't use it. He could move it but would cry when he did and it just wasn't moving the way it normally does so I called her to come down and I said I think he hurt his arm, and I got upset thinking what if it's broken?! He's obviously hurt! Well we live right next door to a fire station so she ran over to see if a fireman could come check him, thinking just one would come over and see and tell us if he thought we should go to the hospital...well a bunch of them came over, fire truck, paramedics and ambulance (ambulance station is right across the street). It was way overkill! But oh well he's my baby! So we went in the ambulance to the hospital and my mom stayed with the baby I watch. His mom works at the hospital (she's a surgical nurse) so she came down and saw us to check on us. They did X-rays and sure enough he has a buckle fracture on the ulna of his right arm. They put a splint on it and told me to follow up with an orthopedic doctor. The baby I watch's mom got a few names of orthopedics for me to call so I came home and fed the boys lunch and put them down for naps and then called, well the first one didn't take kids this young and the next one said they could see us if we got there before 2pm. It was 1:20 and the office was across town. I threw sippy cups and snacks onto the diaper bag and got the boys straight out of their beds and into the car and headed straight over there. We waited awhile and then got called back, they took the splint off and the dr came in and showed me the X-ray and were the fracture was and told me he needed a cast! Poor baby. In 3 weeks we'll go back and they will take the cast off and X-ray it, if it's healed then we're good to go and if not they will put on a new cast. Hopefully it's all better when we go back. He was such a trooper and such a good boy!
In the ambulance:

His splinted arm in the ambulance:

At the hospital:

After getting a splint at the hospital:

He was intrigued with it at first, rubbing his head with it, and rubbing the doctors head, and hitting it in things:

Eating 1 handed:

And drinking:

Getting his cast. He was so brave and so good. Didn't cry at all:

And happy to be back home after a long day:

For the most part he doesn't really seem to notice the cast, but sometimes he'll try to pick something up, move a certain way, or do something he usually does and he's not able to because of the cast. When I took him upstairs to put him to bed and I was changing him into his pj's I could tell he was getting annoyed with the cast and wanting it off. He was shaking his arm at me and whining and picking at the cast like he was trying to get it off and looking at me like "help me momma" poor boy. And after I put him to bed a moved around and woke up a few times trying to get comfortable. He moves all over throughout the night and while he does sometimes sleep on his back he prefers his tummy and when he tried to roll over onto his tummy he got upset because he couldn't figure out how to lay comfortably that way. Poor sweet boy.

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