Monday, March 16, 2015

NS week 4

Week 4 on Nutrisystem or what I'm referring to as week 3 redo since last week was a total bust. I didn't even weigh myself today because honestly I'm terrified of seeing the number on the scale. I'm sure I gained back some of the weight I lost so far so I feel better with the idea of working REALLY hard this week and seeing the number at the end of this week. This week I'm going to just post pics from my fitness pal for what I ate and I'll add * for new things or comments I have about the food!

Day 1:

Yes please!!!!! -

*the turkey sausage and egg breakfast muffin was REALLY good! Already glad I upgraded to the next plan up the includes frozen foods! So yummy!

*the Chicken Enchilada Dinner was also really good! Very filling and satisfying!

Day 2 :

*I don't like the sugar and fat free creamer, it just has a weird taste so I'm trying to mix a tablespoon of the creamer I like with some of the that one. Maybe I can get down to 1 tablespoon of each or something. I liked the mixes you put into water that have caffeine but I really love my coffee and was missing it!
*the frozen pancakes were good! I used reduced calorie syrup and a teeny tiny bit of butter.
*the frozen burger was good! I think I cooked it a little to long because the bun got a little hard. I only used 1/4 slice of cheese and a little mustard and I even measured out my ketchup because I love ketchup and know I use more then I think I do!

I completely gave in at the end of the day had wine and snacks. Bad bad bad. But tomorrow is another day.

Day 3:

*the pizza was really good! It was a frozen one!

Workout : I went to the gym in the morning since J's dad is taking him tomorrow afternoon instead of today because he had a work meeting. It's easier to take J in the morning because our mornings are more predictable then our afternoons. He did ok in the childcare. He was fine when I dropped him off but a few minutes later he realized I was gone and freaked out. He cried and tried to get out the door whenever someone went in or out and wouldn't let the girls hold him (they have a camera in there and I can watch on the elliptical so I just kept it on that channel and watched sons of anarchy on my phone). He didn't cry for long but then he found another door (to a bathroom) and kept trying to get out. Then just stood there for awhile watching the other kids. My sis in law was teaching a class so when she was done she went in and he let her hold him and she showed him some toys and then after she left he started warming up and playing. That was like 30 minutes into my workout. I did an hour on the elliptical and when I went and got him he was happy and playing. I'm taking him again Friday morning so hopefully he'll do well!

I really need to stop eating junk. The more candy and junk food I eat the more I crave it and give in. I just need to stop!

Day 4:

*the frozen cinnamon bun was so good! Bigger and better then the non frozen ones!
*the steak and cheese melt was pretty good. Not amazing to me because it wasn't something I would normally try but it was pretty good!

Those damn honey mustard pretzels! I'm throwing them away tonight so I don't give in and eat them at the end of the day when I'm watching tv!

Workout : we went for a walk this morning and I walked for a little over an hour and almost 4 miles (3.94). It was longer then I had intended but we walked somewhere new and I might have sorta gotten lost.

Day 5:

*the frozen waffles were really good! I'm not a big breakfast person and much prefer lunch and dinner foods (I can vividly remember eating spaghetti for breakfast when I was pregnant and it was so good). Anyways...I don't think I've eaten waffles for breakfast. I give j a waffle for breakfast sometimes but it's never something that sounded appealing to me for breakfast but I would totally eat these often! I got them just to try them and actually took them off my next order (before trying them) thinking I'd rather have the breakfast sandwiches, but now I think I'll add some back on! They are that good!

I started day 5 off well but by the end of the night I fell off track again. I had some wine which let to snacking. And the rest of the week I was pretty bad. Although Friday night I almost got something unhealthy to eat on the way home from my nieces talent show at her school, but instead I came home and ate a NS dinner, but after that I gave in and had some wine and that lead to snacking....I wasn't completely horrible but I didn't eat well and I didn't workout, although I did get like 47 active minutes yesterday from cleaning the houses. I really need to get back on track and stay in track. Nothing's going to change if I keep doing the same thing. I didn't weigh myself this morning. But it's time to face reality and see if I gained back the weight I lost in the first few weeks (I'm sure I have gained it back :( ) and move on from there. It's a new month and I really need to stay focused and stay on track. Only 16 weeks until our little beach vacation and I want to enjoy it and not be worried about how fat I am and feel horrible about myself. I know 16 weeks isn't long enough to get to where I want to be, but if I work hard I think I could make a big difference in the way I look and feel by then I just need to put in the hard work!

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