Sunday, March 4, 2012

Can a book really help me?

Seriously. This question has been on my mind for awhile now. I read blogs about struggling with infertility and people will talk about the books they've read or want to read. I've googled "best infertility books", "best books to get pregnant", hell I've even done an amazon search "how to get pregnant" looking for books. One book in particular kept popping up, Taking Charge of your Fertility, and I went to buy it in the kindle store on amazon (I pretty much only read books on my iPad and iPhone- and I loved that no one would even know I was reading an infertility book! I could even read it at work!). No such luck. It's not available that way, only the old fashioned real book way (wow, look what technology has done to me) so I didn't buy it. FYI there's another book with the exact same title that is available electronically and I almost bought it but when i read through the reviews someone said something like this is a different book, not the one everyone recommends! The one I wanted has a pink cover and is by a different author. Then I went back like a week later (ok, maybe I went back a few times) and finally bought it. And after I purchased it that order confirmation page comes up that has "recommended for you" or "others who bought this also bought" something like that. Anyways it like 3 things and one was 40 ovulation prediction sticks and 10 pregnancy test... For $10! Um hello...duh. Each month I always tell myself that next month I will buy OPKs and pregnancy tests online because (hello!) so much cheaper, but then I always thought well what if I get pregnant this month, then I won't need them and it'll be a waste of money. Then I buy them at the store and its a rip off. So I just did it. Gave in and bought them. Hopefully they'll help me out this month! Anyways they already came in the mail (still waiting for the book) and now my bathroom drawer is well stocked!

That's A LOT of pee sticks!

I can't wait to get the book and start reading it!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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