Monday, March 5, 2012

Is it fair?

A friend of my cousin, who I am friends with on just recently announced that she is (very) newly pregnant with her first baby. Based on a comment on her announcement post I'm guessing it was a long time coming/trying. Another friend, from elementary school, recently announced her 3rd pregnancy on

Today I found out that my cousins friend lost the baby. And that my old friend (who has 2 children) is having twins. WTF? I'm sorry but where is the fairness in this? I'm happy for my old friend who is having twins (she miscarried between her 1st and 2nd pregnancies) but so sad for my cousins friend. She has been married for at least as long as me (around 2 years) and she was SO excited about her pregnancy. And that excitement is gone now. That baby they were so excited about is gone now. And this other girl who already has 2 children is now having twins? Wouldn't one be enough? I know I'm not God and I have no idea what His plan is, but this just doesn't seem fair. It makes me sad. And my heart hurts for this girl that just lost her baby.

I don't know what's worse, to try month after month and not get pregnant, or to finally succeed and lose the baby. I hope I never have to find out because I think my heart would break even more then it already has (in trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant) if I got pregnant and lost the baby. I can't even imagine the pain, the heartbreak in that.

Tonight I pray that God is with this woman, her husband, and their family as they deal with the pain of this loss.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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