Monday, March 26, 2012


I used to be the girl that would pretty much do anything you dared her to. I was BAD. Kiss that random cute boy at the party? Ok. Strip down to bra and panties and jump in that public apartment buildings pool? Sure!

Like I said I was bad. But I think it's time for a good dare. An adult dare. I heard about this book called the love dare a while back and downloaded it on my kindle app. I read a few pages and was thinking ok, this makes a lot of sense. Then the hubs made me mad and I was already in a bad mode so that idea went out the window. Well I want to improve my marriage. I want to be a better wife. I want to make my hubby happier. So I'm going to try it out. I'm going to read the book. I'm going to implement it in my marriage. I figure I can improve my marriage while we're in the TTC process. Our marriage isn't bad but it could use improvement. There are times we get on each others nerves, times we drive each other crazy. Times when I have no patience for him and vice versa. But lately with He unsuccessfulness of TTCing I have even less patience. I love my husband more then anything but I don't think I show it enough lately. While i love my hubby and am glad I'm married to him, I want to enjoy my hubby and marriage. I don't want to take him for granted. I want to be the best wife I can be. I think this dare will help!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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