Sunday, March 18, 2012


I LOVE sewing. I got my sewing machine almost over a year ago and am teaching myself to sew. My grandma sews and quilts so I have some basic skills because I loved to sew with her when I was little. We'd go to the fabric store and I'd get to pick out a pattern and we'd go home and make it. I guess I inherited a love of sewing from her. I really love most things crafty, but picking out gorgeous fabric and making it into something for myself or a loved one makes me so happy. Although I tend to buy fabric I love and then it sits there forever because I want to wait to make something perfect and not "waste" it. So I have A LOT of fabric just sitting in my sewing room. I really need to start using it! Anyways back to my point. I used to sew all the time when I first got it. I stocked up on fabric at joanns on black Friday and was a sewing maniac. I made tons of doll clothes for my niece and my cousins little girl for Christmas. I made more baby blankets then I know what to do with. I wasn't working at the time. We had just moved to Utah and we would be going to CA for the holidays and then to Maui in February so we decided I would wait until after that to start looking for a job. I had time on my hands. It was cold, ok freezing!, outside and I didn't know anyone. So I sewed. I had hoped that I could start selling the stuff I was making. I applied to sell at a large boutique type store here and they didn't have any small spaces available. I had hoped to try the swap meet once the weather got warmer. But then I got a job, I still found some time to sew. Then we moved and it took some time to set up my sewing/guest room. I sewed here and there when I had time. Then we started actively TTC and I pretty much stopped sewing. Getting ready for my mom and inlaws to visit during the holidays I needed curtains for that room some bought a long curtain, cut it and hemmed it to cover the 2 windows. That was about all the sewing I did for a few months. Around that time I cleaned up the room so my mom could stay in there during her visit and just shoved stuff wherever it would fit in the closet and dresser so the room was so unorganized. Last month we switched dresses, I have a huge nice dresser that was in there and we had an old smaller dresser that had been the hubs parents in our large bedroom. Since the sewing/guest room is small we thought it would be a good idea to switch them. The bigger dresser is SO much better in our bedroom. So that day I went through and completely cleaned out and organized the whole room. It still needs a little work, I want to make a dry erase board and magnet board for over the dresser and get some shelves, but it is back to working order! Since then I've sewed twice. Once that same weekend and once today. I made a makeup bag for my mom that we got material for when she was here for Christmas. This past week I have been feeling the urge to sew. To cut crisp fabric and hear the hum of the machine as I sew it together and make something. The urge to create. To feel proud of what I create. Sewing relieves stress for me. It's relaxing, it's stimulating. I love it. And I miss it lately. In the past few months every time I feel like sewing I think of all the adorable baby things I want to sew when we finally get pregnant and know what we're having. Then I get depressed because I can't do that yet, not for lack if trying. But I need to get over that. I can make gifts, things for myself...I have some super cute overnight and tote bag patterns that would be perfect for my upcoming visit home to CA, things for our house...our kitchen window needs curtains, our couch throw pillows majorly need new covers, I'd love to make some pot holders. So I decided that I am going to scour my bookmarks online and make a list of projects I want to do. I haven't even made my list yet but sewed today! I had seen a tutorial a while back for making a camera strap cover and I wanted to do. So I grabbed some fabric I had and made it. It was pretty quick and easy and made me feel good. Here it is:

So my goal is to spend some time sewing at least once a week. Whether its an easy project I can do in 1 day or a larger project that takes a few hours a week. I think I call it sewing therapy! And I'm sure my hubs won't mind because it gives him some time for his video game therapy! Lol

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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