Monday, March 5, 2012

Fear...and procrastination

So, I admitted to my mom that we're struggling getting pregnant. After I told her she was all "I wondering but didn't want to say anything".Um...hello?! I have such an awesome mom! She knew we've been trying but didn't want to rub it in that "hello?! Where's the baby?!" I love her.

Anyways, she had been planning a trip here to visit. And I told her I want to come home to visit soon and see my old doctor (who she also goes to). She quickly offered that instead of her coming here could I come there for a visit?! My little bro would be home from Iraq so I could see him! And visit my sister (who has MS and probably won't ever come visit is here) and I could spend some time with Grandma! And she'd pay for my tickets. Um, manipulate much.

So of course I agreed. She even offered to make a dr appointment for me. I denied and said I had to check my insurance and make sure it's covered. I've since done so and it is, but I've yet to make an appointment. I need an annually pap and I want tell her that we've been trying, what we've tried, where we are now, and see if she has any advice on where to go from here. But I still haven't made an appointment. I keep convincing myself that I won't need to go because Im going to get pregnant, like this week, and I'll go home announce that hey! I'm pregnant! And not need that doctors visit. But I know that's not what will happen. I know I'll have that and want that and it wont happen and then I'll try to make and appointment for when I'm home and she won't have anything available and I'll be fucked. So here's to pushing myself, making myself (ok! Forcing myself) to make that appointment this week!
If nothing else I'm due for a pap, right?!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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