Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What the hell?!

Last night was horrible! I love my sleep. I need at least 8-9 hours a night to function properly. Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep though. So many thoughts running through my head. Bills that need to be paid, house needs to be cleaned. So I often take melatonin to help me sleep. Last night I took it as I normally would, got into bed and read until I felt like I was about to fall asleep. I was SO tired, but I couldn't go to sleep. I tossed and turned ALL night. And at 12:30 and 4 am the dog (who sleeps in a crate downstairs) decided to start barking like a maniac to be let out to go potty! OMG! He's never done that! He always sleeps just fine all night long. And of course I had to be the one to go let him out. And after getting out of bed and going downstairs its even harder to get comfortable again. And then the hubs got up at about 6 and that woke me up. My alarm was set for 7 to take my temp. My first temp. And who knows how accurate it was because of the horrible night I had sleep wise. I wanted to get up and work out. But I was so exhausted I feel back to sleep and then watched tv in bed while drinking large amounts of coffee. Now I have to get ready for work. I'm just hoping I can get a goods night sleep tonight!

In other news I've been eating better! I've been eating more fruits and veggies. I'm trying to make small changes so that I'll be more likely to stick with it. Yesterday I had a fruit smoothie for breakfast, grapes and almonds for lunch, and I made chicken tacos for dinner. I figure if I try to eat really healthy during the day and mainly fruits and veggies then I can have a normal dinner and just eat a smaller portion then I normally would. Although I am trying really hard not to eat fast food! The hubs just called on his way home from a meeting saying he's going to get something to eat (fast food) and wanted to know if I wanted anything. I said no! Yay me! I had a banana for breakfast and I'll probably have grapes or apple slices on my way to work for lunch and since I work until 9 tonight I'll have a lean cuisine on my lunch break for dinner. Now if only I can get my butt in gear and start working out!

I also have a lot to say about the book! That will have to be later since I have to go get ready for work!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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