Wednesday, March 7, 2012


So...CD3-7 I took soy isoflavones (160mg). On CD 4 I started taking evening primrose oil, B6, and a prenatal. I have taken them everyday since (its now CD16).

I know I said I wasn't going to...but I wanted to see how this would affect my ovulation. I was hoping I would ovulate sooner in my cycle. I had 2 ovulation tests left so I took one on CD12 and the line was lighter then the control line, but still pretty dark. So I thought oh wow! I must be about to ovulate. I took another test the next day with the same results. So I thought for sure I was about to ovulate like ANY DAY NOW! So then I got my package of tests in the mail (see post "can a book really help?" like 4 posts ago) and started using them. Twice a day cause I'm anal and don't want to miss it. But the line was fainter. And keeps getting fainter. WTF?! Maybe it's cause it's different tests?! I thought for sure I'd get a positive by today. I usually got a positive on CD15 and today is CD16. Then I started thinking...could I have already ovulated? Like before CD12? Could that even be possible? I thought these vitamins would make me ovulate sooner, but I thought it would be slowly, like a day or 2 each month. Like maybe I'd get a positive on CD14 this month and CD13 next month. I was having ovulation like symptoms at the end if next week. I felt...I guess full is the only way to describe it. My ovaries felt swollen, bloated, heavy. I would feel like I had to pee so bad and was going to pee my pants if I didn't go to the bathroom NOW. Then I'd go and be like "huh? That's all!" I barley even peed. It was pathetic. I was like what the heck is wrong with me? And yesterday I had the worst heartburn ever! I know I've gotten heartburn before but nothing like this! I felt like I was going to puke. It hurt so bad I wanted to cry!

So WTF?! Could I be pregnant? I could only hope so, but I doubt it. I don't even know what to think, or what the hell is going on with my cycle right now. I'll keep testing and see what happens.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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