Wednesday, March 7, 2012

From about a week ago

I think I know the problem

So I've self diagnosed myself. I've had this idea in my head for awhile now and I've done some research online. I think I have a short luteal phase. The luteal phase, which is the phase from ovulation to period, should be between 12-14 days. When it's less then 10 days pregnancy can not be sustained because there is not enough progesterone being produced. The uterine lining is not in the right phase at the right time because of this. So implantation can't occur.

My cycle is 27-28 days and I always get a positive on ovulation test trips on CD 16. Which means I probably ovulate on CD 17. Which gives me a 10 day luteal phase. I also have spotting a few days before my period which was also a symptom of short luteal phase.

I had been suspecting this could be my issue for a little while now, but when I was talking to my co-worker whose pregnant and I admitted to her that we are trying we were talking more in depth and more personal about it and she said it happened on day 12 for her. At that moment it occurred to me "crap! That has to be my issue" so now I need to do something about it.

B6 is supposed to help with this problem and is said to lengthen the luteal phase. I plan on picking some up tomorrow and starting it right away. I'm also going to start taking soy isoflavones tonight for the next 5 days. I'm also thinking of taking evening primrose oil up until ovulation and then flaxseed oil after ovulation. And I need to start taking a prenatal everyday. I have them I just always forget to take them! While I'd love to get pregnant this cycle, I plan on starting these supplements and taking it easy for the next 2 months. I know my hubby would rather not have a december/January baby so I'm going to try not to stress about it and not use test strips. I'm going to try to get into the habit of doing "it" every other night from after my period until I get my period again. So much focus (on my part) has been on doing "it" at the right time that it kinda lost its fun. So we need to get back to doing it for enjoyment and not just because I'm ovulating. And I figure every other day will make sure we have our bases covered and it'll still be fun! And it can take a month or two for these supplements to take affect.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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