Thursday, March 22, 2012


Thursdays are officially cheat day from healthier eating. Thursday's are freight day at work. The day we get our weekly truck. It comes at 7 and some people go in at 7 and unload the truck (I used to be one of them and I HATED it, it made the day even harder and longer) most of the department heads come in at 9. If the truck isn't unloaded yet we help unload then we start un-boxing, un packaging (and for some departments pricing) our merchandise. The expectation is that we get it ALL put away (onto the sales floor, we don't keep anything in the backroom) before we can go home. If you finish your department you help others finish until everything's done and the backroom is clean. This time of year we are usually done around 5-6. Sometimes a little earlier, but not usually later then 6. Later in the year is a whole nother story and we don't usually get done before 7pm, usually later. My department takes up the whole middle of the store so not only do we have a lot to unpack and put away, but we are running all over the store to put it away. And it's a big store! We bust our butts and work so hard on Thursday's (most of us anyways). I come home with my feet and back aching most Thursdays. Because its truck day almost all of the full time employees (managers and department heads) work 7 or 9 am until we leave. We always have a meeting after the truck is unloaded and someone ALWAYS brings donuts (we actually have a sign up sheet so someone brings them every week) and a bunch of us order lunch out every week. Usually cafe rio (kinda similar to chipotle), they have an amazing pork salad! Sometimes we get other things; panda express, red robin. I tried not having a donut, it worked once. It's just way to hard to turn it down on those days. I need the sugar! And I figure at last I'm (usually) getting a salad! Even if it's huge and probably has WAY to many calories. Especially when you consider the huge and yummy tortilla that lines the container the salad sits in. Mmmm. Now I want cafe rio.

So Thursday's are officially a cheat day. I usually have cheat meals on the weekends too. But I'm trying to make healthier choices and if I know were going to go out I try to make sure I eat healthier leading up to it.

And today the weather was gorgeous! Especially considering it was freezing and snowing earlier this week. And after dinner, even though today was a Thursday and my body fells exhausted, I wanted to be outside in the fresh air so I took our pup Brody for a walk, probably about a 30 minute walk. We need to start doing that every night and throw in some jogging too! It felt so good to be outside in the fresh cool air, just as it was staring to get dark, listening to fun upbeat music! And the sky looked cool too:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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