Sunday, July 14, 2013

32 weeks

How far along? 32 weeks!!!
Total weight gain/loss: same, down 15 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight
Maternity clothes? Mostly
Sleep: other then getting up to pee a ton and crazy dreams its good
Best moment this week: I finished washing all the clothes, blankets, sheets and towels!
Movement: yep. Getting stronger still, earlier today it felt like he was using my insides as a punching bag!
Food cravings: peaches, I eat at least one a day. And pomagranate Popsicles
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: no, occasional Braxton hicks contractions though
Belly Button in or out? Still in! I don't know if it'll ever be out
What I miss: wine, beer, cocktails...but it's worth it!
What I am looking forward to:
getting stuff on my to-do before baby comes list done! Meeting my little guy in 8 weeks (or less)!
Milestones: being 8 months pregnant!!!
My father in law will be in town this Sunday so today I spent some time cleaning up the babies room so we can show it to him when he's here! There were piles of laundry all over the room so I finished up the baby laundry today! I also hung paper lanterns but I need to get Pompoms to add to it and then I'll post a pic. I have a few things I want to do before Sunday, so I will be pretty busy on my next day off (Wednesday).
I ordered fabric to make the carseat canopy, boppy cover, and maybe the crib skirt! It should be here tomorrow, so I have quite a bit if sewing to do too! I also need to buy some nursing bras and nursing tanks and a few other things for my hospital bag!
I also want to schedule a hospital tour for sometime soon!
And there's tons more on my todo list! I have a feeling the next few weeks are going to be keeping my very busy on my days off from work. 8 weeks sounds like a lot of time, but it really isn't! Especially when you consider I get 2 days off of work a week, the days I work I'm usually too tired to do anything but cook dinner. And I get the most done on my weekends off, which is every other weekend. So I really only have 4 weekends off before my due date! And that 4th weekend is my due date! Holy crap! He'll be here before I know it!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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