Wednesday, July 17, 2013

32 week appointment

I had my 32 week appointment yesterday and it went great, as usual. The appointment are always the same and I only have one more like this! At 36 weeks I will start going weekly and my dr will start doing internal checks and we'll start talking more about labor and deliver! Craziness! So he nurse did weight, had me pee in a cup, and she took my blood pressure. I love that I always have the same nurse! She's really nice! Then the dr comes in, asks how everything is, says my weight, blood pressure and urine is good. Always tells me I'm very low risk and that I'm doing great! Then he feels the belly and we listen to the heartbeat. He says Jackson is about 4 pounds now! Holy cow! There's a 4 pound baby inside me! I know the doctors guess is just that, a guess, but wow. 4 pounds. I have a friend whose baby was 3 weeks early and weighed 4 pounds! We talked to the dr for a little bit. We told him that we found out I can deliver at the hospital right next to his office vs the one a few miles away, he seemed happy about that. Then we talked about going on a hospital tour. I did ask him about taking a birth class, if he recommends it and he tried to put it as nicely as he could (probably in case I really wanted to take one) that he doesn't really think its necessary. I told him I just want the baby out as painlessly as possible and I'm all for pain meds so he said he feels it really isn't necessary. I liked that since I don't feel it's necessary either! I mentioned that my insurance covers a breast pump and he said to try to remind him after I have the baby (um...might not happen, hopefully my mom or josh will remember, I think I'll have other things on my mind!) and he'll make sure to give me the prescription for it along with the prescriptions for pain meds and a stool glad he mentioned that because I've read horror stories about the first poo after having a baby! I also asked about taking a breastfeeding class which he also didn't really recommend. BUT he did say that its best to get help and learn once you have the baby and that the nurses and lactation consultants at the hospital are really great and will give me lots of help learning to breast feed. I was glad josh was there because he also said that breast feeding isn't usually as easy as it looks and that it is hard work at first. I think men just assume you put the baby to the boob and that's it, and for some it might be that simple, but not always and they don't think about holds, latch, and everything else that goes along with breast feeding!

So after our next appointment in 2 weeks we are going to see if we can go tour the hospital and pre register! I'm pretty excited about that. I'm hoping they will tell us what they provide there for us so I can finalize my list for the baby bag and my bag!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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