Wednesday, July 31, 2013

34 week appointment and random ramblings

I had my 34 week appointment yesterday and it was the same as usual. Weight, pee in a cup, blood pressure, doctor comes in feels the baby, we listen to the heartbeat, talk a little, ask any questions. It was quick and easy. We didn't really have any questions. He said Jackson is measuring about 5 pounds now, he's still head down and should stay that way. He said that after 35 weeks if I go into labor they will not do anything to stop labor, so that's Sunday! I don't think it'll happen for a few more weeks but crazy to think it could happen soon! My next appointment is in 2 weeks, that's when I'll start going weekly, and my dr will start checking my cervix! I can't wait to know what's going on down there! He said he'll be able to give us a better idea of when I might go into labor, if it could be sooner then my due date.
After the appointment we had planned on going over to the hospital to see if we could do a tour (the building my dr is in is right next to the hospital). So we went over there and it was so crazy walking into labor and delivery. It made it feel more real! We went into a little office first and pre registered and then went to see if we could take a tour. Well they didn't have any birthing/deliver rooms available for us to see, they were either all in use or waiting to be cleaned. They had 11 mammas in labor! Crazy! So we said we'd just come back after my next appointment! I have a feeling I'll be having a major "holy shit" moment when we go on the tour! It makes it feel so real! And like its going to happen so soon. Which I guess it is. I'll be full term in 2 1/2 due date is in 5 1/2 weeks...OMG...I'm going to have a baby soon!!! After waiting so long for this it just doesn't feel possible that he'll be here so soon!
There are still a few things I want to get done before I have him. I'm planning on having these things done before I get to 37 weeks. I want to get my car cleaned inside and out and we're planning on doing that this weekend. Then we need to install the car seat base, we also want to get a second base for Josh's car, we have to decide whose car well put the carseat in. I'm guessing my husband will drive me to the hospital in his car so I'm thinking it'll be best to put the car seat base we have in his car until we get a second base. I'll probably just leave the carseat in the house with the hospital bags until I go into labor, that way we'll be sure to grab it when we leave for the hospital. I also need to get a few more things for my hospital bag and finish packing my bag and the baby bag. I want to put a little basket together for the nurses at the hospital (or possible 2 baskets-one for the labor and delivery nurses and one for the postpartum ones) just with little snacks and candy. I can't imagine being a L&D nurse, I'm sure its a rewarding job helping babies be born, but I know most women aren't at their best during that time! I'm sure those nurses put up with a lot and I really feel they deserve a little thank you for all their hard work! So I need to start stocking up on stuff for that and putting those together! I also want to make some freezer meals so we can have easy meals for the first few weeks.
At this point my mom is planning on coming here from CA on August 25 and staying until September 19, then she'll go back for my brothers wedding (sept 28) and after that she'll be here permanently! She's moving here! A lot is still up in the air as to when she'll actually be moving here, but its good to have a plan of when she'll be here! If I do happen to go into labor earlier I know she'll just change her flight and be able to be here! She's waiting to find out if my brother and his fiancé get a house that they put in an offer for, they've been waiting to hear for so long, its a short sale so that's why it's taken so long, they should hear within the next 10 days. If they don't get the house then they are going to buy my moms condo, if they get the house my mom will list her condo to sell it. If she does end up listing it it will probably sell REALLY quickly so either way she will be moving here really soon! I can't wait to have my mom here!
I also want to re do our little calendar wall we have by our kitchen. Right now we just have a whiteboard calendar with space to write notes next to it. I want to put a bulletin board there instead with a real calendar and 2 slot folder things below it for our mail (I'll add a third when my mom moves in).i already have everything so it should be an easy project for this weekend.
I also want to get the house clean before I have Jackson.
Somedays I feel like i still have so much to do and other days I feel like I'm pretty much ready for Jackson to be here!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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