Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I finally remembered to weigh myself this morning. I gained a few pounds in the last few weeks, well I guess I maybe gained back the 2 pounds I had lost a few weeks ago. I'm still down 15 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight. We really indulged when we were in park city so hopefully that's what had me to back up a few pounds and hopefully since I'm back to normal eating since being back home my weight will stay steady right where it is! I really don't want to go over my pre pregnancy weight during my pregnancy, and I think that should be pretty easy since I've only gained back 5 of the 20 pounds I lost on the beginning. I'd REALLY like to gain no more then 5 pounds the rest of my pregnancy, so well see if that happens. And then once this baby is born I'm determined to get back in shape and get my old body back! I want to be as healthy as I can be for my son. I want him to have an active childhood and parents who aren't embarrassed to take him to the pool because their embarrassed to wear a bathing suit. I want hiking and biking and walking and playing sports to be a part of our lives as a family and I need to be in better shape to do those things! And I want to feel good about myself again. Feel sexy for my husband.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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