Sunday, July 7, 2013

Baby clothes!

I started washing baby stuff today!

I sorted all the clothes into 3 piles, whites, colors and darks, I ended up throwing some white bedding in with the whites because that pile was so light. I only did newborn, 0-3, 3 months, and 3-6. I didn't wash anything 6 months or larger yet. Here's my piles:

This little boy has A LOT of clothing! I need to make sure anything I buy from now on is 6 months or bigger (I don't have nearly as much in sizes 6 months and bigger). And somehow I managed to lose 1 sock and 1 mitten (the little ones to keep them from scratching their face).

I planned in washing the bedding, blankets, towels and washcloths too but I didn't get that far. Here's the blankets and bedding:

Plus 2 white crib sheets and a mattress pad that I already washed with the whites! We're set for blankets and bedding too! And there's another pile of baby towels and wash cloths, so many wash cloths that I ended up not even opening 2 packages that each have 12 wash cloths. I'll hold onto them to see if I need them but I don't think I will, and if I don't I'll "sell" them at the consignment store I like to shop at. I plan on keeping my favorite outfits for if we have another boy down the line, but I will probably "sell" some of the clothes (especially the ones I bought there or we're given to me used) to go towards buying bigger clothes there as we need them!

I know 31 weeks might seem a little early to wash everything, but I couldn't wait! I want to start get in the hospital bags packed and getting things organized and ready. Everyone I know who has had a baby recently has had them early, anywhere from 10 days to 3 weeks early! All first babies too. My co worker had her little girl about 2 weeks early with no warning. No sign she'd go into labor anytime soon until her water broke early one morning! Same with the friend who had hers 3 weeks early. My cousins wife was on bedrest for about 2 months before she had their son 10 days early. I'm terrified that I'll go into labor early and won't have everything done! If rather be washing the clothes again at 39 weeks, then going into labor early and not having anything washed! I think that my job might cause me to have him before my due date. I'm on my feet all day at work, not just standing, I'm pretty active, its retail, so cleaning up, putting stuff away, putting up shelves, putting out product. Some days I come home exhausted and sore from everything, but I'm careful not to so anything I shouldn't be doing, like lifting things that are heavy. But at the same time I think I might be siting here on my due date doing everything I can to get this boy out! Only time will tell. I kinda can't wait until 36 weeks when I'll start going to my every week and having cervical checks. My dr says once he does the check at 36 weeks he'll be able to give us a much better idea of if Jackson may come early or if things are still "locked up tight". I know a lot of people don't like the checks because you can be dilated for weeks before you go into labor, but I want to know! 37 weeks is full term, so he's welcome to come anytime after that! I just can't wait to meet my baby boy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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