Monday, July 29, 2013

34 weeks!

How far along? 34 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: I lost 1 lb this past week so I've gained back 5 total, so still down 15 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight. That seems to be the magic number or something. I'll gain or lose 1 or 2 and seem to always end up back at 5 pounds. Lets hope it stays that way!!!

Maternity clothes? Mainly

Sleep: some nights are better then others. I have CRAZY dreams most nights, I wake up thinking what the hell! But I always forget them as soon as I completely wake up. And I also get up to pee SO many times. I think its natures way of helping us get ready to be up so many times a night to feed a newborn! Lol and last night was horrible! My mind was running a million miles a minute thinking about everything I want and need to do in the next few weeks!

Best moment this week: finding out that some of my co workers are throwing me a baby shower! I really did not expect that and I'm so thankful!

Movement: yes. He still loves to have his feet up in my ribs, but this time he actually had them on the left side a few times. I know he's gotten big and I know about how big he is, over 4 lbs and around 19+ inches long, but in my mind I still picture him as the tiny baby snuggled in there that we saw on the ultrasounds, moving around without me actually feeling him now when I feel him kicking me in the ribs and punching me way down low on the opposite side it is just so crazy to me. Like "wow, seriously?! How can that be possible?!" Even though I now it is possibly!

Food cravings: peaches and pomagranate Popsicles still, watermelon

Gender: boy

Labor Signs: nope. Although the longer I'm on my feet an the more active I am I start getting more consistent and more intense contractions. I wouldn't exactly say that they are really painful (compared to what I'm sure real labor contractions will feel like) but the get more uncomfortable and border on being painful as they go on. When I sit for a while or even just try to stand still and relax for a little bit they seem to lessen. So I'm going to ask my dr about it at my appointment on Tuesday.

Belly Button in or out? In still

What I miss: being able to get a good nights sleep

What I am looking forward to: upcoming baby shower thrown by my friends at work. Finishing up everything to be ready for my baby boy, and meeting my little man in a few weeks!

Milestones: being 34 weeks pregnant! Every week, month, even day feels like a milestone when there was a time that I wondered if I'd ever even be pregnant!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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