Friday, August 9, 2013

30th birthday!

Today I turned 30. I'm not really sure how I feel about it. But I did have a good birthday! Other then having to work. After work I talked to my best friend, Katharine, we've been friends since for 25 years! Then josh took me out to dinner to longhorn steakhouse because I wanted steak (since I can't have what I really want-sushi and wine or beer and sake)! And he also got me a carvel ice cream cake! My favorite! It was a simple quite birthday and I feel like it was perfect for this time in our lives! Previous bdays have been all about going out and drinking and this one was just about enjoying dinner together. We're about to have a baby so it was pretty symbolic of what's ahead. Leaving the nights of going out drinking behind (although I'm sure we'll enjoy nights like that in the future while Jackson is with nanna, they won't happen very often) and trading them for simple quiet evenings, more then likely at home and not so quiet with a baby I'm sure, but I can feel our lives changing in the simplest ways. What was once important to us no longer is. Going out and getting drunk on my birthday no longer sounds fun (although enjoying a few glasses of wine or beers would nice!) I'd rather do exactly what we did tonight. And while I'm kinda of sad that I didn't get to have some kind of bigger celebration back home with family and friends to celebrate the big 30, I'm ok with it and happy with it.

Today while talking to my best friend we were talking about my trip home in October. We will be there the weekend following her 30th birthday and her sister is planning a party/celebration of some sort. She and her boyfriend have been together for 7+ years but they don't have kids and neither of her older sisters have kids so I said of course I'll be long as I can bring a baby! And she said of course it'll be somewhere somewhere baby friendly because I'll be brining Jackson and Michelle will bring Lexi (another friend and her 2 month old). It was just so strange to have that conversation when for so many years the bday planning conversations were more along the lines of what bar/club are we going to? And whose the designated driver? It's another way I'm feeling my life change, in a very good way. I've waited to long for this and I'm so happy about this next chapter I'm about to embark on. I feel like a grown up :).

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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