Sunday, August 25, 2013

37 weeks!

How far along? 37 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: not sure, I haven't weighed myself

Maternity clothes? Mainly

Sleep: pretty decent lately...except one morning my alarm was set for 8am, I didn't have to be at work until 1pm and I was awake before 5:30 am and could not go back to sleep. It sucked

Best moment this week: being full term!

Movement: yes, some days more then others, I think he's running out of room in there!

Food cravings: cheese quesadilla dipped in sour cream and cholula! Yum

Gender: boy

Labor Signs: Braxton hicks, sometimes they get more consistent and more uncomfortable when near the end of a long day at work, but they always calm down once I relax/sit down. I'm feeling a lot of pressure down there though anytime I'm on my feet

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: sushi

What I am looking forward to: meeting my baby boy soon!

Milestones: being full term!

I'm so ready to have this baby. The doctor said anyway now and I think if he was concerned with it being to early he would tell me to rest more or something. Seems like he's confident that Jackson will be perfectly healthy if he comes anytime now. While I know I'm not as big and uncomfortable as I could be, I really don't know how I'm going to make it through 3 more weeks of work. Even 2 more weeks of work sounds horrible (that's when my mom will be here). I would really like to have him after my mom gets here on the 29th, but at the same time I don't know if I can wait that long. I know he'll come when he's ready to come no matter what I want so if I have to wait 3 weeks I don't have a choice, but I'd much rather have him sooner then later. I'm so ready to have him. There's only so much cleaning, scrubbing and organizing I can do before I'm just cleaning/organizing the same things over again. I'm caught up on laundry, the house is as clean as its going to get, I'm ready. So ready. And I feel bad for that on my moms part because I know if he comes before the 29th she'll be scrambling to get here. She'll do whatever it takes to get here ASAP, change her flight or even drive, and I really want and need her here for labor and delivery. BUT I am ready to do this! So he'll come when he comes and hopefully she'll be able to make it here in time for his birth, and if she doesn't I know she'll be able to get here while we're still in the hospital. I just can't wait to meet and hold my son!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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