Monday, August 5, 2013

35 weeks

How far along? 35 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: this morning the scale was up 2 pounds from a week ago...but I don't think it's very accurate...I haven't pooped in days

Maternity clothes? Yes

Sleep: some nights are good. I've taken unisom a few times to ensure a goods night sleep. One night I didn't and it was horrible, I pretty much just tossed and turned all night thinking about everything I want and need to do before Jackson gets here and the possibility of running out of time, or him coming early before I get it all done. But I made a list and there are only a few things that really need to get done before he gets here, everything else can wait if I don't get to it, so that made me feel better

Best moment this week: yesterday- being 35 weeks preggo and having 35 weeks left!

Movement: yes. He tried out the left side a few times but seems to have gone back to preferring being on my right side. Last night laying in bed you could tell! My belly was lopsided!

Food cravings: nothing really lately...except I discovered these twix ice creams and OMG...I could eat a whole box of them in one sitting if I let myself! Which is weird because sweets, especially ice cream haven't really been that good since I've been preggo

Gender: boy

Labor Signs: nope. Still have Braxton hicks contractions but they are just uncomfortable sometimes

Belly Button in or out? In still

What I miss: not getting up to pee a million times a night! And my 30 bday is this week and I'm more upset about not being able to have sushi and wine then I am about turning 30!

What I am looking forward to: finishing up my must do list, my mom coming in a few weeks and most of all meeting my little man soon! Although I'm going to miss having him inside me and feeling his move

Milestones: being 35 weeks preggo!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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