Wednesday, August 14, 2013

9 months

I can't believe I'm 9 months pregnant. Most of the time I don't feel like I am! I've been SO lucky/blessed during my pregnancy and that I've had such an easy/uncomplicated 9 months. While I have my moments where I feel huge, I also have many moments that I feel like I don't even look that pregnant. I often look in the mirror an feel like I just look fat and not pregnant, I think that's mainly because my belly button is still an innie and I just don't feel like my belly looks like the belly of someone 9 months preggo. My husband thinks I'm delusional about that and says I look very pregnant! But I still think my bump is smaller then it could be, and I'm glad for that most of the time, I think it would be a lot harder work wise if my belly was bigger! I also don't "feel" pregnant all the time. Of course being on my feet all day at work isn't one of those times! By the end of the work day I usually feel very pregnant. And getting out of bed to pee at night I feel very pregnant! But occasionally I think to myself "I don't even feel pregnant right now". I think that the fact that I was pretty comfortable for the first 2 trimesters and have only been getting super uncomfortable occasionally during the past few weeks has me thinking "how is it possible I'm 9 months pregnant?!" While I have my moments where I feel SO pregnant and uncomfortable, its not that often and its only really been happening recently. I feel like most women at this point in their pregnancy feel done. They haven't been sleeping well for months, they've been uncomfortable and in pain for months and they are just ready to be done. I don't really feel that way. I have my moments and days where I wonder how I'm going to make it through however many weeks are left of work (this week it's 3+), but overall I'm feeling pretty good. I'm still sleeping pretty well and able to still sleep the way I'm used to sleeping, aside from the occasion bad night.

Sometimes I think I'm just so ready to meet my son that I'm ready to be done! I'm ready to go into labor and meet my baby boy!

And other times I think there's no way I'm about to have a baby, there's no way it's already been 9 months!

I really want my mom to be here when I go into labor. And she's planning on making her flight reservation for around August 29 because that's when it's cheapest. If I go into labor sooner she'll either change her flight or says she'll even drive here if she has to (about a 10 hour drive). So I want him to stay put until she gets here, but at the same time I think "there's no way I'm going to make it to August 29!" I don't know why I feel that way. I very easily could have him closer to my due date or even on or after my due date. I have August 24th stuck in my head, but I'm not putting much into that!

I guess only time will tell and he'll come when he comes.

But just in case I plan on getting as much done as I can this weekend! Cleaning house, pedicure, getting the swing out of the garage and cleaning it up and getting it set up, washing my moms bedding and towels for her room, getting any last minute things we need and getting my bag ready to go when the time comes! I'm making a don't forget list to put somewhere we'll see it so we don't forget the last minute things!

I can't wait to meet my baby boy soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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