Monday, August 12, 2013

36 weeks

How far along? 36 weeks and 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: not sure. I haven't weighed myself this week and I can't remember exactly what the difference is between my home scale and the one at the dr, I was weighed there today but I never really pay attention to the number on there scale
Maternity clothes? Yep
Sleep: last night was horrible! I was so uncomfortable and my stomach was hurting no matter how I laid. Hopefully it was just a fluke
Best moment this week: being 9 months prego!
Movement: yes and becoming a bit more painful
Food cravings: not really. I feel like I've been less hungry the past few days and nothing really sounds that great
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: not exactly. I'll explain below about today's appointment!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: sushi! Wine! Being able to bend over and lean forward while sitting without being uncomfortable and being kicked in the ribs
What I am looking forward to: meeting my baby boy!!!
Milestones: being 9 months preggo!
So I had my 36 appointment today and it was the first time I got checked! First the nurse did the usual and gave me a sheet to cover up with and told me I'd get undressed from the waist down. She also said that a student dr was working with my dr today and would it be ok if he came in and did the heartbeat and checked my belly and then if he came in with the dr and observed while he checked me. I said I was fine with that. So I got undressed and the student dr came in and found the heartbeat and he measured my belly. My dr has never measured me, he always just feels and guesses the weight. So it was nice to get measured! I measured at 37 weeks, so 1 week ahead. Then my dr came in with the student dr and nurse and he did the group B swab and then checked me. I am 1 cm dilated, 70% effaced/thinned out, my cervix is soft and his head is really low. The 1cm isn't a big deal and I know I could be at a 1 for weeks, but combined with the rest he made it sound like I'm going to have this baby sooner rather then later! He said it could be any day now. He doesn't think I'll make it to my due date, but he thinks he will see me at my appointment next week. I know that doesn't mean much, it could be next week, it could be right before my due date...only time will tell.
Up until today I've been very worried or kinda scared when my contractions have become more frequent or when they've become more uncomfortable or if I've had any cramping or different pain. But today (before my appointment) my mind set has completely changed. Previously if that happened I'd try to slow down at work and take it easy for a little bit, but now I'm like "let's get this show on the road!" The more I do the better to get things moving along right?! Even if I feel like my contractions are becoming more frequent (still not time able or painful, but starting to get more uncomfortable) I used to slow down, walk slower, but now I walk fast and think it can only help right?! This weekend I have Saturday so I want clean the house and get all the last minute things done and my father in law is coming into town on Sunday (for work) and we are having dinner with him so I'd like to not go into labor until after that, but after that its game on! I think I may start walking the dogs in the evening after work to get even more walking in! Maybe some squats? Jumping? It'll be operation "get this baby out" in full effect! I'm hoping to see some progress at my next appointment on Tuesday!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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