Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Utah baby shower

On Sunday some friends from work threw me a baby shower! It was super cute and small. I knew it would be small. I knew that not a lot of people would come. They did it on a Sunday because that's the only day that our work is closed so they figured more people would make it. But a lot of my co workers (including 2 that threw the shower) are Mormon and didn't want to miss church. Awhile back they did a shower for my friend Natalie at work, on a Saturday, and only myself and 2 other people from work went. There were about 8 people at mine, so pretty good! I'm just glad people came! It was so nice to just sit and eat and chat with other women. I don't get that enough here in utah. I don't really have friends outside of work, and I really want to work harder at making my relationships with my friends at work more outside of work friendships! My friend Denise and I are going to get pedicures this Saturday! And I'm sure once Jackson is here I will hang out with Natalie and her almost 5 month old daughter!

Here are a few pics of the super cute decor:

I took these before anyone really got there. It was kind if a nautical/fish theme and so adorable!

I got some cute outfits, a few toys, a target gift card and some diapers!

It was fun and I'm so thankful to have awesome friends here that threw it for me!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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