Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Getting things done!

Today I took my car and got it cleaned inside and out! And then I installed the carseat base!

I'm not leaving the carseat in the car, I'm going to put the carseat with the hospital bags. I still have over 4 weeks until my due date and if I was in a car accident, which hopefully won't happen, before I have the baby I don't want the carseat in the car because it can damage it. I don't foresee that happening but just in case. We will also probably get a second base for Josh's car before the baby is born and that way we can just grab the bags and carseat and take either car to the hospital. For now we decided to put it in my car and if we don't get another base before he's born we will just make sure to take my car to the hospital. Or Josh and/or my mom can always get the base or switch cars or whatever needs to be done depending on the situation!

I want to get the pack and play put together today too! I just have to get Josh to take it from the garage to the basement. Right now our living room is in the basement and we aren't using the upstairs living room, but as soon as my mom moves here we will be moving our stuff upstairs and she will have the whole basement (bedroom, bathroom, and living room). But there is no way we can get the couch upstairs on our own and she will be coming in about 2 weeks and then going back to CA around September 19 for my brothers wedding and to finish up packing and everything and then moving here so we are going to wait until she's moving here to move our living room upstairs. We are hoping that the movers she hires will be able to help get our couch upstairs when they move her stuff here. I wish we could just get everything moved before the baby, but that's not going to happen so I will just set up the pack and play down there for now!

Things left to-do:
*finish packing hospital bags
*get batteries for swing and rocking/bouncy seat
*wash any baby items that still need to be washed-after my baby shower on Sunday
*get swing out of garage and clean it up or get new swing
*clean house
*make freezer meals

I'm sure there's more but I'm not remembering at the moment!!

I'm torn about the swing. We have a pretty old swing that a friend of my sisters gave her and she gave me. It's been sitting in storage and our garage for over 4 or 5 years so I don't know if it even works still. I also have no idea where the cushion is for it. So I might buy a new one. I added one to my registry and I can use my registry completion coupon to get it so we will see!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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