Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I'm going to make a confession that I'm super embarrassed to even make right now. So I have to wear tan/khaki colored pants to work. The style of pants doesn't really matter. Some people where jean like pants, some cargo style, some actual khakis. I found that the khakis at taget fit me the best and I wear those. Well in between the legs in the thigh area gets worn down really quickly (not just on me. All of us at work talk about having that issue!). So I need new pants pretty often, every few months or so, but I keep hoping I'll lose weight so I refuse to buy more then 1 pair at a time. I've boughten a few more relaxed/casual style pants pretty cheap at target or Walmart in the size I thought I was only to home and try them on and find that they are too small. So they are sitting in a drawer waiting until I can fit into them. So I gave in and bought some at target again. I bought the same size and what I thought was the same style I already had and when I put them on they were too tight. I could button them, but it hurt! Like unbearably. And my other pants were done for and there was no way I could wear them. So here's my confession...I have been wearing these pants, for like 2 months, without being able to button them. I did the hair tie trick to keep them up and on. But omg I've been wearing pants I'm to fat to button for months! Well I'm confessing this because as of yesterday I can button them! They're still tight but not painfully so! I'm hoping in another week they will be lose! I'm sure it'll be awhile before the smaller pairs I have will fit but I love feeling a difference in the way my clothes fit!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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